Canyon and Damwon Kia Smash DRX in a Pivotal Battle for Third. 2022 LCK Spring

BERLIN, GERMANY - OCTOBER 07: Kim "Canyon" Geon-bu of DAMWON Gaming poses for the camera before his match against Lowkey Esports in the League of Legends World Championship at the LEC Studio on October 7, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Wojciech Wandzel/Riot Games Inc. via Getty Images)
BERLIN, GERMANY - OCTOBER 07: Kim "Canyon" Geon-bu of DAMWON Gaming poses for the camera before his match against Lowkey Esports in the League of Legends World Championship at the LEC Studio on October 7, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Wojciech Wandzel/Riot Games Inc. via Getty Images)

Huge performances from Burdol and Canyon see Damwon win a crucial game over DRX.

Game 1

In an incredibly important game for both teams, DRX was, unfortunately, missing their star player ADC Deft. Already considered underdogs, DRX seemed doomed from the get-go. The game started with a clown fiesta. Both teams would see the usage of multiple summoners leaving DRX’s members easily gankable. Damwon would take advantage of this with an early gank bot lane leading to a kill and a lead they would hold for the remainder of the game. Damwon would use a strong presence from Canyon and a dominating performance from top laner Burdol to control the game from this point on and snowball to an easy victory. Burdol’s full tank Gragas would do everything right and almost single-handedly out damage the opposing team leading to a stomping of DRX.

Blog of Legends MVP: Burdol

Game 2

This game was not any closer than the first game. The slow early game was shown from both teams as DK slowly created gold leads in nearly every lane. Canyon would live up to his name as he created a Grand Canyon size gap between him and Pyosik, nearly flame-horizoning him and would eventually out damage him by 22k damage. The rest of Damwon all played great as well, seeing no weaknesses in this game as each member of their team would win in any scenario. Burdol would also have a strong game on Malphite being nearly unkillable and creating huge engages that would allow easy cleanup for Canyon and Deokdam. Canyon would win Player of the game and break the record for most Player of the Game votes in LCK history. It’s good to see a powerful performance out of Burdol especially near the end of the season as he’s been seen as a weak point of DK but if he can repeat this performance in the playoffs DK could be looking at a fourth consecutive LCK title.

Blog of Legends MVP: Canyon