Caps is unable to stop Humanoid’s blind pick LeBlanc with four unique champions over four games. Upset bot diffs Flakked in G2 vs Fnatic.
Game 1: Hylissang’s Renata Strikes Again
What seemed to be a relatively slow early game erupted into fireworks at the Dragon Pit as Hylissang world-class bait-and-switch play on Renata helped turn the early G2 tide and result in a stomp win for Fnatic. Hylissang’s Bailout usage on the Renata helped Razork’s Viego get key revives and resets throughout fights, and Fnatic’s coordinated dives afterwards resulted in teamfight wipeouts. Wunder’s Jayce in particular was very impressive in these fights, standing by adjacent to all the action until he saw the perfect moment to engage with the rest of his team and blow Flakked’s Aphelios out of the fight. We will see how G2 bounces back from this first game and if they decide to give Hylissang Renata again.
BlogOfLegends 2022 Spring Playoffs MVP: FNC Hylissang (1)

Game 2: Moonstone + Frozen Heart Karma Mid
G2 bounce back with a tank Karma mid comp against Humanoid’s LeBlanc and grind out their first win of the series owing to good performances from Caps and Targamas. The collective peel from Karma and Braum were too much for Humanoid to poke through, and despite Flakked’s mispositioning on Aphelios, the support staff of this weird and wonderful G2 comp scaled into invincible tankiness and simply rolled through Fnatic in teamfights. Hylissang had one of his tragic games on Nautilus as the Fnatic MVP was largely the reason G2 were able to have a commanding lead due to his overaggressions. With the series tied at one apiece now, let’s see if Fnatic decides to reevaluate their LeBlanc priority for Humanoid.
BlogOfLegends 2022 Spring Playoffs MVP: G2 Caps (1)

Game 3: Bot Diff
Both teams were hesitant to aggress in this pivotal Game 3 but a few overextensions from G2 and Fnatic pounced again, slowly etching out a gold lead through good play from Razork’s Volibear and Upset’s Zeri. While Humanoid has been a standout throughout the series so far, so has Upset, just quietly carrying teamfights behind the safety of his team as G2 members flounder with coordination issues and the inability to reliably use their Ahri/Lee Sin combo to power through the mid game. His solo kill on Flakked into the earlier Herald rotation set up Fnatic massively in the early game and they kept up the pace to force G2 into match point.
BlogOfLegends 2022 Spring Playoffs MVP: FNC Upset (1)
Game 4: Claps is Dead
It seems that the Caps of days gone by is gone for good as he is unable to stop Humanoid’s blind pick LeBlanc with his fourth unique champion in a row as G2 fall to Fnatic in four games after a nail-biting game of inches from both teams. Caps looks like a shell of his former self in these clutch scenarios as he badly missed his last two shockwaves of the game and got thoroughly outperformed by Humanoid in almost every facet. Flakked, who has been subpar all game, finally showed off his bright mechanics in some of these dragon fights as he tried to claw the game back for Fnatic but alas, his opponent was way too good. Upset simply destroyed these fights with the picture-perfect mechanics that we have come to expect from him over the years, and with Humanoid’s help, ran over the close teamfights whilst taking almost no damage in order to secure his team the berth in the Winner’s Bracket Semifinals.
BlogOfLegends 2022 Spring Playoffs MVP: FNC Upset (2)
G2 vs Fnatic Series MVP: Upset
The great German ADC stays on the hunt for his ever-elusive LEC title with yet another pristine performance to carry his team over the finish line. While Humanoid was creating chaos with his flashy LeBlanc antics, Upset was ever the consistent DPS machine, masterfully navigating these crucial, high-pressure teamfights with ease as he ran circles around the G2 members. His reaction speed on Xayah ults genuinely stifled all of the engage that G2 were able to muster and, unlike his counterpart in Flakked, the enemy team could never capitalize off of his mispositionings.
BlogOfLegends 2022 Spring Playoffs Series MVP: FNC Upset (1)