Perkz is unable to find his usual magic as Caps completely gaps him as Vitality’s lower bracket run is cut short by a riveting 3-0 sweep from G2.
Game 1: Labrov finds out he has a jungler on his team!
The much-maligned support of Labrov shows up in a big way as he finally manages to sync up with Selfmade and go for plays as a jungle-support duo in the early to mid game. The two of them were able to get off to a strong start by roaming together, along with Perkz, and establishing an early kill lead through various pickoffs around the map.
However, G2 managed to turn it around with a sublime false base that lulled Vitality into a false sense of security, which catapulted the samurai back into relevancy. Caps vindicated his criticized Lissandra priority by destroying Perkz’s legendary LeBlanc in the farm department, as well as catching him off twice to force a numbers advantage and snowball for a G2 win in the first game.
BlogOfLegends 2022 Spring Playoffs MVP : G2 Caps (2)
Game 2: BrokenAlphari
The MVP of the first elimination series of 2022 LEC Spring gets humiliated in the counterpick matchup as BrokenBlade simply runs over the game with his Jax into Alphari’s patented Camille. The Teleport/Ignite strat did not pay off at all for the top lane tyrant, as his lack of Flash not only gave up First Blood, but also made him exceedingly vulnerable to Jankos’ followup ganks to put him even further behind. Ironically, Carzzy has been the MVP of Vitality so far this series, as his gorgeous Aphelios play in the only shining ray of hope in what looked to be a G2-fueled nightmare. BrokenBlade used his enormous item advantage to carry a prolonged dragon fight that eventually snowballed into Baron and a quick end for Vitality, putting Perkz 0-2 against the team he carried into the LEC.
BlogOfLegends 2022 Spring Playoffs MVP: G2 BrokenBlade (1)

Game 3: Caps > Perkz
Not even the anime protagonist of League of Legends can pull this one back as Vitality throw a massive gold lead due to subpar mid game macro calls that resulted in objective bounties for G2, allowing Flakked to scale into the omnipotent monster that is Jinx with a Lulu by his side. Jankos’ and Caps’ respective baron and elder dragon steals were also pivotal in keeping G2 in the game as Selfmade missed both crucial smites. G2 clawed their way back and force an abrupt end due to clutch charms from Caps on the Ahri to put the final nail in Perkz and Vitality’s coffin.
BlogOfLegends 2022 Spring Playoffs MVP: G2 Caps (3)
VIT vs G2 Series MVP: Caps
From shutting down Perkz’s Leblanc in Game 1 to clutch steals and picks in Game 3, the G2 mid laner shows his prowess as he takes down his archrival in Perkz. While he is nowhere near what he was at his peak, and even now he’s probably behind Humanoid, Larssen and Vetheo in terms of power rankings, Caps had enough in the tank to individually outpace Perkz within the series and carry his team to victory. He’ll be up against the rising star in Vetheo for his next match, and while Vetheo doesn’t have the pedigree and clutch factor of Perkz, he is far and away the much better player; it will be interesting to see if Caps continues to ascend closer and closer to his old, legendary form, or if he will rely more on his teammates to carry him through Misfits.
BlogOfLegends 2022 Spring Playoffs Series MVP: G2 Caps (1)