2022 LCS Spring Playoffs: Closer’s Lee Sin sweeps Cloud9 as 100 Thieves advance.

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - JANUARY 25: --- during 2020 LCS Spring Split at the LCS Arena on January 25, 2020 in Los Angeles, California, USA.. (Photo by Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games)
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - JANUARY 25: --- during 2020 LCS Spring Split at the LCS Arena on January 25, 2020 in Los Angeles, California, USA.. (Photo by Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games)

Closer enters Kral Mode once again as he dismantles Cloud9 in the first round of playoffs with three straight games of Lee Sin, knocking out the second seed and advancing to the semis.

Game 1: 100T is literally Summit’s Kryptonite

Kral Closer reigns supreme once again with a top lane deconstruction of Summit, abusing the frontrunner for the MVP race with his relentless ganks and intelligent weakside play from Ssumday. Cloud9’s coaching staff probably don’t think of Lee Sin as a good enough champion to ban, so I reckon they are going to keep getting shafted this series because Closer is probably one of the best Lee Sins on the planet.

Game 2: Berserker tried…

The salty runback draft looks good for Cloud9 as they are able to secure advantages off of a raptors invade but are unable to accelerate the game further, and fall prey to the eventual scaling of 100T’s Ornn, Viktor and Aphelios. Berserker had yet another awesome teamfight at dragon that almost won Cloud9 the game, but the combination of Summit being targeted by Closer’s ganks as well as Abbedagge’s revitalized play on Viktor slammed the door shut. 100T 2-0 up on the series.

Game 3: Kral Closer’s Lee Sin

Blaber and Berserker try their best to salvage the continuous salvo from the 100 Thieves as Cloud9 gets swept in quite embarrassing fashion against the reigning champs. 100T have been struggling the entire split just to turn it back on near the end of it, and have been looking as good as ever since. Speaking of looking as good as ever, it’s good that the Cloud9 coaching staff don’t think Lee Sin is the problem, because we were just treated to three games of Closer’s Lee Sin, and it definitely is a problem.

Series MVP: Closer

While it wasn’t as mind-blowing as his Finals MVP performance last split (to be honest, those come around once every three to five years so don’t hold your breath), Closer once again demonstrated his obscene proficiency on Lee Sin as he deconstructed Summit in both games 1 and 3, disallowing the MVP frontrunner from ever getting off the ground. His knack for ganking is only bolstered by his renewed synergy with Ssumday, whose had himself an excellent split thus far, and the two of them combined to create the perfect answer to the Summit problem that the entire LCS has been struggling with.

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA – JANUARY 25: — during 2020 LCS Spring Split at the LCS Arena on January 25, 2020 in Los Angeles, California, USA.. (Photo by Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games)
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA – JANUARY 25: — during 2020 LCS Spring Split at the LCS Arena on January 25, 2020 in Los Angeles, California, USA.. (Photo by Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games)