MSI 2022 Rumble Stage Day 3: PSG Topple the Undefeated G2!

BUSAN, SOUTH KOREA - MAY 20: Teams G2 Esports and T1 greet each other onstage after their match at the League of Legends - Mid-Season Invitational Rumble Stage on May 20, 2022 in Busan, South Korea. (Photo by Lee Aiksoon/Riot Games)
BUSAN, SOUTH KOREA - MAY 20: Teams G2 Esports and T1 greet each other onstage after their match at the League of Legends - Mid-Season Invitational Rumble Stage on May 20, 2022 in Busan, South Korea. (Photo by Lee Aiksoon/Riot Games)

The undefeated G2 were taken down by the unlikeliest of sources, as PSG Talon topple the European giants with a taste of their own medicine!

EG vs T1: The King of Gods

With the advent of Faker winning LCK and returning to MSI with four young players, to Keria being  being the first ever support player to win LCK MVP, to Gumayusi hilariously underperforming under the very high expectations of the public, Zeus has generally gone under the radar, even though he has been mutilating his opposition left, right and center this tournament. The man is a ferocious challenge for any team playing against him, being able to consistently find advantages through Oner’s ganks or just straight up solo killing his opponents with his superior matchup knowledge and lightning-fast mechanics. His “Tankplank” build against former SKT top laner Impact was pivotal in stifling EG’s engages onto him, allowing him to turn them around alongside Faker’s Sylas to pull T1 over EG in Day 3.

BUSAN, SOUTH KOREA – MAY 08: Choi “Zeus” Woo-je of T1 poses at the League of Legends – Mid-Season Invitational Features Day on May 8, 2022 in Busan, South Korea. (Photo by Lee Aiksoon/Riot Games)
BUSAN, SOUTH KOREA – MAY 08: Choi “Zeus” Woo-je of T1 poses at the League of Legends – Mid-Season Invitational Features Day on May 8, 2022 in Busan, South Korea. (Photo by Lee Aiksoon/Riot Games)

G2 vs PSG: Snapped at 24

G2’s win streak finally gets snapped at 24 by the most unlikely of sources as PSG pull the rug from underneath the LEC champions in a decisive victory! I covered the secrets to G2’s win streak in an earlier post, and sure enough, they left themselves vulnerable by getting too cute in the draft.  The Kalista first pick, while I’m not a fan, makes sense for its teamfight CC, especially when paired up with the B5 Gragas support. However, Kalista isn’t the best teamfighter, and Flakked was smothered in CC all throughout the game without an ADC with more reliable repositioning like Kai’Sa or Ezreal.

The Lissandra counterpick into G2’s LeBlanc/Viego also reared its head in teamfights, where the CC from Frozen Thralls were able to keep the fight going in PSG’s favor after their initial ult salvo. While Caps is definitely more than capable in navigating his way through the Lissandra/LeBlanc lane matchup, Lissandra is definitely easier to teamfight with as opposed to LeBlanc.

The final nail in the coffin came from the R4 Ornn, which escaped G2’s bans, augmented by the R5 Rell. The huge amount of AOE CC from PSG’s last two picks beefed up their teamfighting even further, and they were able to go toe to toe with G2 long enough for their comp to outscale and deliver a pretty decisive beatdown.