2022 LCS Summer W1D1: G2 Bombards Astralis from Three Screens Away; Fnatic Find the Dub Against an Absent Rogue

Both G2 and Fnatic find their respective wins, with Caps and Flakked shooting Astralis in a barrel whilst Fnatic find good teamfights to trounce Rogue.

G2 vs Astralis

What a weird and wonderful game between G2 and Astralis as the champions eventually decide to take the perennial bottom feeders seriously and shut the door in their faces. Quickshot’s hilarious casting made this game all the more enjoyable as Caps and Flakked danced circles around the Astralis members, using terrain to lob skillshots over and chunk out their members before finishing them off with decisive and excellent teamfighting. I loved the R5 Soraka into the massive poke comp from G2 and I thought Europe’s newest Korean import, JeongHoon, played it decently well, but was ultimately felled by G2’s collective synergy, map rotations and skirmishing ability. Caps did not make matters any easier for Astralis, landing a comical amount of skillshots straight on top of his opponents’ heads to keep them at bay and dissuade their engage, which allowed G2 to close out cleanly.

MVP: Caps (1)

Rogue vs Fnatic

The top of the table clash sort of goes up in smoke as Rogue falter throughout their mid game, not being able to find any proactive plays through Malrang as Fnatic takes them down with their superstar carries in Humanoid and Upset. Humanoid’s Orianna was able to find key shockwaves throughout the game to clinch the game as Upset ran around on Draven last hitting kills and simply being a DPS menace. Rogue’s decision to catch bot lane without Teleport on Odoamne’s Ornn cost them dearly, as the ensuing fight is what gave Fnatic the ignition to continue finding picks with Hylissang’s Morgana and close out the game.

MVP: Upset (1)