Rogue steal a win away from the MAD Lions following a lucky Elder steal from Comp, thwarting the Lions’ efforts and clinching themselves the first win of summer!
Apparently it doesn’t matter how many objectives you take, when you lose the one that matters…

As much as this phrase was repeated ad nauseum by Medic, I think more credit has to go to Rogue for not folding completely against a 4-0 Infernal Soul. They were able to keep their heads in the game without tilting, lucked into an Elder steal, and the rest is history.
It might look bad that Rogue started off their split 1-2, barely stopping themselves before they pull another Vitality, but it is important to remember their previous two opponents were Fnatic and G2.
I’m not too sure why the LEC schedules were designed so heavily against Rogue, but I suspect they are a lower priority team in terms of hype because of their inability to win a title despite years of regular season dominance.
And I think that’s fair. You only lose the finals so many times before the schedule makers decide to put you through the ringer on your first week.
There’s not much to say from MAD Lions’ perspective – they played a good early game, with Elyoya and Nisqy pairing up to influence side lanes. Elyoya even had an epic Baron steal, allowing the Lions to push through most of Rogue’s base.
I actually think he should get MVP despite being on the losing team, when you consider it was Comp’s lucky steal that netted Rogue the win and especially just how badly they were being beaten before the steal.
If anything, MAD Lions still come out of this game looking like the much better team and an early season dark horse for the title.
MVP: Elyoya (1)