Misfits comeback over G2! Perkz and Alphari lead Team Vitality in win over Fnatic with exceptional games out of the respective superstars!
Misfits vs G2
Well, at this point, why are we even surprised…
Misfits pull yet another rabbit out of the hat with another comeback win over the freefalling champions.
Neon and Vetheo put the team on their backs with some expert backline damage that took advantage of G2’s faltering form and their lack of synchronization in teamfights.
The three Barons that Misfits managed to yoink benefited them greatly in their comeback, giving them enough time for their backline carries to scale into their late game states.
Neon’s Zeri, while not perfect, was the biggest threat to G2 this game in terms of the space and time that he bought within these hectic fights.
He was able to maneuver expertly around tight corners while outputting enough damage to hold G2 at bay, which enabled Misfits to regroup and restart their assault, eventually leading to the win.
MVP: Neon (1)

Team Vitality vs Fnatic
Team Vitality get a monumentally decisive win over Fnatic as the super teams collide in an unexpectedly hype game!
It’s fair to say, while Fnatic has been looking the better of the two, that both teams haven’t exactly lived up to their preseason billing as the front runner for the LEC this year.
Stars on both teams have looked lukewarm at best, resulting in middling performances from the team all year long.
However this game looked very different, especially in Alphari’s case, as he rolled back the years on his signature Gangplank and broke a record on top of Wunder’s head as the disrespectful Kayle pick did not do any favors for Fnatic.
I understood the R5 Kayle, given Alphari’s form this entire split, but the man was simply transcendent this game, annihilating Wunder in the early game and making him a nonfactor for the rest of the game.
However, despite Alphari’s sudden return to form, the man of the match is undoubtedly Perkz.
The God-Emperor has been on a tear this split, and despite his mediocre team, has looked like a top ten player this split.
His ingenious aggression was on full display this game as he found every nook and cranny of opportunity to push the envelope against Fnatic, constantly finding huge pickoffs on the Sylas that the rest of his team was able to rally behind.
There is a likely case to be made that, despite his team being tied for third with four other teams at the end of the first round robin, Perkz has been the MVP of the LEC so far with his unabashed aggression and willingness to sacrifice himself to net the win for his team!
MVP: Perkz (3)