Upset has the game of his life against Team Vitality, carrying his team to victory despite all odds. MAD Lions stumble, but comeback to take down Astralis in the end!
Astralis vs MAD Lions
MAD Lions temporarily regain grasp of first place following a comeback win against an Astralis lineup that looked very eager to punch their ticket to playoffs.
UNF0RGIVEN and Nisqy combined for some of the best duo carry performances to bring MAD Lions back from the jaws of defeat, usurping otherwise good games out of JeongHoon and Vizicsacsi.
I had Nisqy pegged as my MVP for most of this split given how different MAD looks with him on the lineup, but God almighty has UNF0RGIVEN been making a case for himself.
At the end of this game, he is not only the best ADC within the LEC and an MVP candidate on his own right, but I can even make the argument he is probably even the best player in the entire West given his form going into the latter half of the split.
He has simply been head and shoulders above his competition and has remained an unimpeachable win condition throughout MAD’s games, especially in the most dire of moments.
I am curious as to how good this run of form will be heading into his first playoffs – the road will only get harder from here and I am curious if UNF0RGIVEN has what it takes to bring the MAD Lions back to their trophy hoisting days.

Team Vitality vs Fnatic
Ladies and gentlemen. I present to you, Zeri…
Now granted it was Upset’s genius play alongside his trusty egirl sidekick Hylissang that made a montage out of Team Vitality, the point still stands that this champion is hysterically overtuned.
The best part was in the final moments of the game when Upset was resurrecting from his Guardian Angel and there were three Vitality members bunched all around him – and he simply starts deleting them off one by one with simple Q clicks.
He was simply in his own little John Wick movie and Team Vitality just happened to be the bad guys…
It helped Fnatic’s case that Perkz had quite a poor showing on the Azir, and Team Vitality were not able to match Upset’s DPS despite the Fnatic comp being very magic damage biased.
Even though he was mostly throwing his life away, Humanoid’s persistent flanks burned key cooldowns from Vitality before dragon teamfights began in earnest, allowing Upset to run free with Lulu buffs and take down Vitality as the race for seeding reaches fever pitch here in LEC Summer 2022!
MVP: Upset (3)