LEC Summer Week 8 Day 2: Team BDS Finds Another Upset Versus Rogue! SK Gaming Get Knocked Out After a Heated Game with Excel.

BDS upsets Rogue! After a much heated exchange from the two playoff hopeful teams, Patrik leads Excel past Jezu and SK Gaming after a heated ADC carryoff.
Rogue vs Team BDS
Should we hate BDS even more now?
I mean, where was all this moxie when they weren’t amongst the worst European teams of all time coming into Week 8?!
And where has this xMatty been all year?
The perennial worst player of the LEC just put up his best performance so far to elevate Team BDS to only their third win of the split, knocking down Rogue in the process.
Rogue were able to establish some very early leads, but a failed turret dive where Larssen Ult+Flash+Charmed a Wuclone meant that BDS were able to pick up three unanswered kills to stabilize their scaling.
Cinkrof was key in finding engages alongside LIMIT and BDS and with Agresivoo drawing aggro from the Rogue backline, xMatty went to work on the Sivir, easily outscaling and outdamaging the early game-centric Kalista out of Comp.
It is definitely too little too late now, but hey, I’m here for the upsets.
MVP: xMatty (1)
Related Story. BDS Find Their Second Win Against Playoff Hopeful Excel!. light
Excel vs SK Gaming
Excel break their losing streak and knock SK Gaming out of playoff contention following a nail-biter game that came down to the wire.
Patrik and Jezu had a battle for the ages as both ADCs were the main stars of this match, both of them vying to keep their team’s hopes alive with some brilliant teamfight positioning.
While Patrik walks away the victor and the deserving MVP for his obscene teamfight damage on Sivir, I want to give a special nod to Jezu on the Draven, who couldn’t keep up with Sivir’s monstrous AOE damage despite his best efforts.
While he started off as just another random European rookie, I have watched him slowly blossom to a competent and now a very good ADC player in his own right, showing mastery over a wide variety of playstyles such as Kalista, Yasuo and now Draven.
With Sertuss coming off his first full year, I think SK Gaming has a definite chance of making playoffs with this roster going into the next split, and I eagerly wait to see what these perennially plucky underdogs will accomplish in the next split!
MVP: Patrik (3)