League of Legends’ newest champion, Briar, joins the mischief of the Street Demons, with Street Demons Briar being the champion’s debut skin!
Art is a feast for the eyes. And the stomach! pic.twitter.com/gn3x16af0b
— League of Legends (@LeagueOfLegends) August 30, 2023
Street Demons Briar – Release Date
As it goes with all the other Street Demons skins, expect to see Briar’s debut skin available for purchase a day after Patch 13.18 goes live on September 14.
With Patch 13.17 slated for release on September 13, Riot Games always allows a day for the patch to go live, making sure everything goes smoothly before new paid cosmetics are released.
Keep an eye on the 2023 Patch Schedule to stay up to date on League’s patch cycle.
Street Demons Briar – Splash Art

Street Demons Briar – Price
Every single Street Demons skin is confirmed to cost 1350 RP, and Briar’s dive into the world of Street Demons is no different.
Keep in mind, just like skins, new champions are released a day after the patch is released. Briar will be available to play, along with being able to equip her new skin, on September 14.