Zyra has left the Gardens of Zyr and made her way to the mean streets. Zyra’s plants have got a fresh new coat of paint with Street Demons Zyra!
Street Demons Zyra – Release Date
Alongside all the other Street Demons skins, Zyra’s fresh new style will be available once Patch 13.18 is released. Patch 13.18 releases on September 13, so expect to see Zyra’s new skin available for purchase on September 14.
Riot Games always allows one day for the patch to be out before releasing new paid content like skins or champions, ensuring the release day of the patch goes over smoothly.
To stay up to date on League of Legends’ patch cycle, check out the 2023 Patch Schedule.
Street Demons Zyra – Splash Art

Street Demons Zyra – Price
Six Street Demons skins are set to be available for purchase on September 14, all costing 1350 RP. Zyra’s demonic embrace is no different, and will cost 1350 RP.