LoL Patch 13.18 is here! Patch 13.18 is the patch before the Worlds 2023 patch: Patch 13.19. Briar is released, (she will not be playable at Worlds), Bard has gotten some adjustments, Street Demons skins are out, and much more.
This article will not cover the entirety of the 13.18 patch notes. For a detailed breakdown, check out Riot Games’ official Patch 13.18 release page.
LoL Patch 13.18 – Briar’s Debut
Stomach growling? Chow down with the Briar Champion Spotlight.
— League of Legends (@LeagueOfLegends) September 13, 2023
“The Restrained Hunger” is officially out on live servers, releasing a day after Patch 13.18’s September 12 launch date. For a full look into Briar’s abilities, check out the breakdown of her here.
With the release of a new champion, Riot is often creating new mechanics for new releases to set them apart from one another, and build hype. For example, Naafiri’s pack of hounds following her.
Similar to Vladimir, Briar’s abilities cost health to cast. More interesting than that, she has no natural health regen, and can only gain back health based on a bleed effect she applies on her attacks and abilities. Back to back champion releases with a bleed effect!
It’s important to note, Briar can still increase her health regenration from Ocean Soul, potions, Spirit Visage, etc, but without any items or other effects, she has no health regen.
LoL Patch 13.18 – Bard Adjustment
At the time of his release in March 2015, Bard was novel. A passive that encouraged roaming, the portal, and a powerful ultimate made him stand out as a very unique support. Nowadays, while still unique, Bard is not as strong as he once was, and Riot felt the same.
Bard’s W now stacks charges up to two, meaning you can place two shrines down back-to-back. Additionally, the time it takes for the shrine to reach its maximum healing potential has been cut in half from 10 seconds to 5 seconds, which will be super noticeable, allowing Bard to keep him and his lane partner healthy for longer.
More Chimes on the map, as well as an increase in how many Chimes bard can carry, should make this a very welcome change for The Wandering Caretaker.
Lol Patch 13.18 – Street Demons Skins
A brand new line of skins debut with Patch 13.18 – Street Demons! New looks to Zyra, Mundo, the newly released Briar, and a few more are here.
Take a look at the splash arts:
Street Demons Zyra

Street Demons Dr. Mundo

Street Demons Briar

Street Demons Brand

Street Demons Neeko

Street Demons Rengar

As well as the Street Demons skins, a new Crystalis Motus skin has released for Taliyah, costing 100 Mythic Essence in the Premium Shop.
Crystalis Motus Taliyah

Get out there and test out all the new things Patch 13.18 has to offer!