La Ilusión Ziggs: Skin Release Date, Splash Art, Price

Riot Games
Riot Games

La Ilusión Ziggs brings a new look to everyone’s favorite ADHD Yordle. The La Ilusión skin-line is looking to be a favorite already, with a total of six champions receiving skins of this theme.

La Ilusión Ziggs: Release Date

The newest Ziggs skin released on September 27, along with the other five La Ilusión skins. As it goes with every cosmetic, the skin released a day after the most recent patch, Patch 13.19. To keep an eye out on patch release dates, take a look at the planned 2023 Patch Schedule.

La Ilusión Ziggs: Splash Art

La Ilusión Ziggs
Riot Games

La Ilusión Ziggs: Price

Aside from the special circumstances to recieve Prestige La Ilusión Renata Glasc, Ziggs and the rest of the La Ilusión skins all cost 1350 RP. Riot seldom releases skins below 975 RP nowadays, which makes sense, considering the high demand for skins, and the updated quality throughout the years.