League of Legends support guide: 5 tips for new players

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You’d be surprised how many people don’t pay attention to the map. This can cost you games, so make sure you’re always paying attention and never be afraid to over-ping if you notice something!
You’d be surprised how many people don’t pay attention to the map. This can cost you games, so make sure you’re always paying attention and never be afraid to over-ping if you notice something! /

Map Awareness Is Key

When you first start getting into League of Legends, a lot of things get thrown at you at once, regardless of your role.

From having to know what each champion is capable of, to all the things going on in an actual game, paying attention to the mini-map can sometimes get overlooked.

Everyone who plays League should be paying attention to their map, but as support, it becomes even more important for you to pay attention to it because of your role in the bottom lane.

Next: 5 Tips for Newbie Junglers

You basically become a babysitter.

Don’t expect your ADC partner to always be checking the map, because more than likely, they are still fairly new to League too. But what you can do to help them (and essentially yourself) is watch the map, and if you’ve warded, ping like crazy if you see someone trying to gank your lane.

Unfortunately, you’re pretty useless in the bot lane without your ADC, so making sure they survive is key – and paying attention to your map is a big part of this.

Map awareness also works for when your teammates come in to gank for you. Knowing when to let the enemy push up can help in successfully ganking the bot lane.

When team fighting finally starts, paying attention to your map can save not only yourself, but the entire game if you notice an opponent trying to flank and turn it around to catch them out.

The map is there for a reason, so make sure you’re always paying attention to it and helping your teammates notice it too!

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