Full 7.11 notes on latest patch update

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Scoreboard Minion Kill Tracking

Playing against a champion who creates lots of smaller units makes it hard to tell how well you’re actually last-hitting. We’re keeping the gold reward earned for fighting these pets but removing the confusion they create around last-hit tracking.

SMALL FRIES The following units no longer increase your Minions Killed stat (they still grant gold):

  • Elise’s spiderlings
  • Heimerdinger’s turrets (not including his UPGRADE!!!’d turret)
  • Illaoi’s tentacles
  • Malzahar’s Voidlings
  • Shaco’s Jack in the Boxes (including the ones created by Hallucinate’s clone detonation)
  • Yorick’s Mist Walkers and Dark Procession rings
  • Zyra’s Thornspitters and Vine Lashers