Top 5 champions to use as support
4. Lulu: The Fae Sorceress
If you watch the League Championship Series (LCS) then you have seen Lulu picked a lot. Not only that, but she often gets picked first, giving you some insight into the importance of supports.
Lulu has so much versatility as a support, it is no wonder she is so prevalent all over League of Legends. Two of her abilities can be cast on an opponent or on a teammate, and have different effects. This makes her a little trickier to play but with lots of rewards.
Most of her utility comes from early game harass with her powerful auto attacks and spells allowing her to poke down opposing champions. With Glitterlance and her auto attacks, she can out trade most traditional supports in lane without any issue.
Her ultimate can save the day because it grants tons of bonus health to an ally. It also knocks up anybody by the target ally and slows them significantly.