League of Legends 2019 Worlds: Group A lane by lane preview

League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /
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C9 Svenskeren. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games. /


HKA: Lee “Crash” Dong-woo
G2: Marcin “Jankos” Jankowski
Griffin: Lee “Tarzan” Seung-yong
C9: Dennis “Svenskeren” Johnsen

LCS MVP Svenskeren has shown he’s able and willing to play almost anything, including four games of Gragas with over a 6 KDA. Of course, he’s also played a ton of games on Jarvan, Lee Sin, and Rek’Sai so I don’t think there’s any reason to believe his champion pool will be an issue at Worlds.

Tarzan similarly has tons of experience on those meta champions, but he does seem to favor some off-meta champs like Olaf and Karthus quite a bit. He also has played a fair bit of Lee Sin and Elise but only played one single game on Gragas and none on Rek’Sai.

Maybe the best jungler at Worlds, Jankos played a fair amount of all the meta junglers save Rek’Sai. While he’s not stand out on any jungler in particular (other than Sejuani, who unfortunately will probably not be a strong pick). Jankos is good enough to play just about anything.

Finally, Crash showed up in the play-in stage on his most-played champion, Lee Sin. With six games on the blind monk and a 4.00 KDA, Crash is definitely to be feared on this pick. Unfortunately, his champ pool behind Lee is quite thin.

  • Pure power ranking: Jankos >> Tarzan >> Svenskeren > Crash
  • If playing Qiyana: Jankos >> Tarzan >> Svenskeren > Crash
  • If playing Gragas: Jankos >> Svenskeren > Tarzan > Crash
  • If playing Lee Sin: Jankos >> Tarzan > Crash > Svenskeren
  • If playing off-meta champions: Tarzan > Jankos >> Svenskeren >> Crash

I would expect the highest priority jungler in Group A to be Lee Sin.