TFT: Patch 10.2 Aggregated Tier List for the Best Units and Comps

League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
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Teamfight Tactics. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.

Based on this tier list, we have also taken the average ranking of each champion within every Class and Origin in TFT, which will give our aggregated ranking so you know which synergies are best in Patch 10.2. One thing to note is that these rankings are purely based on the average champion strength within that group, not the strength of the buff the synergy provides. We are assuming for purposes of this tier list that champions are ranked based on not only cost and statistics, but whether they can be part of a powerful synergy.

Origin ranking (change from last Patch)

      1. Crystal (+5)
      2. Poison (+3)
      3. Inferno (-2)
      4. Desert (-1)
      5. Cloud (-1)
      6. Lunar (+7)
      7. Ocean (-5)
      8. Mountain (-1)
      9. Shadow (-1)
      10. Light (-)
      11. Electric (-2)
      12. Steel (-1)
      13. Glacial (-)
      14. Woodland (-)

      Class ranking

          1. Mystic (-)
          2. Summoner (+2)
          3. Assassin (-1)
          4. Warden (-1)
          5. Blademaster (-)
          6. Soulbound (+2)
          7. Ranger (-)
          8. Mage (-2)
          9. Berserker (-)
          10. Predator (-)
          11. Druid (-)

          Best compositions

          In accordance with our rankings of the best champions, Classes and Origins, we now give you a guide for the best comps in Patch 10.2, along with the units you should buy in each one, as well as the best supplemental synergies to pair those comps with. We will put an asterisk next to the units that should be the main focus of these comps, to get to 2 or 3-stars and put items on. Note that when we recommend specific units of a Class/Element but omit others for your pairings, we are saying these are the options we would consider to be above average or worthwhile additions to your comp.

          • Shadow/Inferno: Kindred (*), Annie, Amumu, Sion, Master Yi
            • Can swap Brand for either Annie or Amumu. You also have the option to pair with Rangers (Varus), Mystic (Nami), Warden (Malphite), or go 6 Inferno
            • Key items: Seraph’s Embrace (Kindred), Jeweled Gauntlet (Kindred)
          • Ocean/Warden/Summoner: Nautilus, Thresh, Azir (*), Annie (*), Yorick (*)
            • Can also flex the Summoner into Blademaster if you get Blade of the Ruined King for Azir (in which case replace Annie with Sivir, Yorick with Master Yi, and add Yasuo).
            • Blender Comp: Azir (*), Zed, Kha’Zix, Sivir, Master Yi (*)
              • Can swap Yasuo for Sivir or swap Qiyana for either Zed or Kha’Zix (if Qiyana is at least 2-star)
              • Key items: Blade of the Ruined King (Nocturne), Guinsoo’s Rageblade (Nocturne/Master Yi), Infinity Edge (Nocturne/Zed/Kha’Zix), Bloodthirster (Nocturne/Master Yi), Hush (Nocturne/Sivir), Sword Breaker (Nocturne/Sivir)
              • Inferno/Summoner: Annie (*), Azir (*), Yorick, Brand (*), Amumu
                • Can add Zyra or add Kindred. You can also add full Inferno with these two plus Diana.
                • Can swap Zed for Yorick or swap Zyra for Annie (only would advise if Zyra is 3-stars and/or you cannot get Annie to 2-stars).
                • Key items: Morellonomicon (Annie, Brand, Amumu), Zeke’s Herald (Azir), Locket of the Iron Solari (Azir), Infinity Edge (Zed), Seraph’s Embrace (Annie, Brand), Guardian Angel (Zed).
                • Concluding notes

                  While there’s not much more these aggregations can tell us with certainty with regards to comps or items, here is what our data can tell you about what to look for within your next Teamfight Tactics game.

                  • After a patch to let the meta shake out, Lunar is a very strong synergy that can be added to just about any meta comp. That said, it doesn’t appear to be as mandatory/a full-on win condition as we initially believed.
                  • That Light/Soulbound comp we recommended in Patch 10.1 is far weaker in Patch 10.2 so it’s probably worth pivoting to a new strategy. In addition, the very popular Poison/Berserker comp is falling out of favor and is actually being replaced with a Poison/Ranger comp built around Twitch. However, since Rangers are generally weak we wouldn’t recommend that.
                  • Blender comps are, of course, still fine now building around Azir instead of Nocturne. Summoners are the most powerful synergy to pair with Blademasters, obviously.
                  • Always be looking at your opponents to see if they are more magic or AD damage, because you should be looking to add either two Wardens or two Mystics whenever you can.