Wild Rift: Riot Updates the Open Beta and New Champions

Wild Rift. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
Wild Rift. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.

Riot announced some updates to the Wild Rift open beta.

During the League of Legends Season 11 livestream, players not only got to see some massive news about new champions and skins that are coming to the game in Season 11. However, we also got to see some updates to Riot’s other games, including the mobile version of League of Legends, Wild Rift, with some updates on the progress of the open beta.

Open Beta Update

The biggest update that Riot gave in the whole stream was the revelation that the Wild Rift beta will be coming to North and South America in March (tentatively). They will also be giving these new players access to more champions early on, so they can build up their competitive pool. As someone who is currently in North America and waiting anxiously to get his hands on the game, I’ll be waiting for March.

New Champions

There are currently around 50 champions in the Wild Rift open beta, and Riot has announced that they will be aiming to release two new champions per month in 2021. Their goal is to not only expand the champion pool, but also give a similar feel to League of Legend’s original champion release schedule back in 2009.

Riot also revealed Katarina, who will be joining Wild Rift later this year. However, unlike in League of Legends, Kat will be able to move and reposition while ulting. This was done in part to increase gameplay satisfaction, and also because there were issues where players could cancel her ult when using the mobile joysticks.

Rammus will also be heading to the Wild Rift in 2021, with a new passive where he rolls and gains out-of-combat movement speed. He also has a completely different ultimate from his League of Legends version, Soaring Slam. He now leaps into the air, slamming down and creating tremors where he lands. Ok then.

Dr. Mundo, who is also getting a VGU in League of Legends this year, will be coming to Wild Rift later this year as well. However, his introduction to the Wild Rift will be delayed as the devs work on getting the open beta in as many hands as possible.


Another big reveal from the devs is that the Wild Rift will not just be confined to Summoner’s Rift. The game will be expanding to the Howling Abyss later this year, as the All Random All Mid (ARAM) mode comes to the game for testing later this year!