The European champions did not waste any time continuing their undefeated win streak from their lower bracket run, beating out both Evil Geniuses and Order to start off 2-0 on Day 1 of MSI.
Order in the Court
G2 got out to an early lead against Oceania’s Order, before succumbing to a couple of wombo engages in the mid game. Both sides trades solokills early on, with Caps‘ Zoe finding one on Kisee‘s Yone while BioPanther somehow managed to solokill BrokenBlade’s counterpick in Fiora. G2 are a much better macro team though, and they moved swiftly in the early to mid transitions, crossmapping whilst Kevy tried to camp BrokenBlade to mixed success. However, the hard engage wombo comp that Order drafted for themselves finally showed off its true colors as it was able to pick off straggling G2 members with Yone and Leona ults, while Karthus and Miss Fortune provided long range follow up damage. If Order were any better at playing around Baron, they may have won this game given G2’s mistakes and the difficulty of G2’s comp, but Flakked‘s pristine teamfighting on Aphelios managed to dig them out of the hole and clinch the first win of their MSI run.

G2 must’ve not really tried against Order because they definitely tried, and succeeded, in notching another win for EU against Evil Geniuses in the ever-evolving NA vs EU “rivalry”. The NA champions did not stand a chance against the surging champions of Europe as they were simply outplayed in the early game and outmacroed in the mid game. I felt as though Ryze was deliberately left up for Jojopyun, where it was countered so intelligently with the Anivia from Caps. The Cryophoenix single-handedly countered EG’s comp entirely, with all three carries in Aatrox, Ryze and Samira being too short-ranged to operate without being in her range. Jojo‘s aggressive lane tendencies were also punished by G2’s now-signature mid camp, and he put himself even further behind by opting to go for the nerfed Tank build on Ryze. The draft decision to pair Karthus up with Ryze, which led to a very weak and inactive mid/jg duo that played right into G2’s strength, allowing them to capitalize and snowball for a very decisive win.