Malrang and Rogue manhandle first place MAD Lions, putting up their best game of the split thus far. Flakked’s Sivir outscales Patrik’s Nilah in G2 vs XL!
It was a sad ending for what seemed like the unlikeliest of Cinderella stories, with SK Gaming getting their faces melted off in a slow and controlled game from Fnatic.
I was getting hyped over their recent mid-split performances, especially in their solo lanes, but it all came crashing down today with both JNX and Sertuss having quite bad performances against a previously struggling Fnatic.
Sertuss looked especially off on his legacy Akali pick, taking bone-headed engages and sacrificing himself for an unworthy trade on a Fnatic member. This kind of bad teamfighting eroded whatever chance SK had in these games, and Fnatic closed them out quickly.
I am curious as to how Patch 12.14 affects these lower level teams; with increased health on objectives, teams will be rewarded for having a more patient and coordinated approach.
That also means taking flippy fifty-fifties, which can usually benefit the underdogs, having been disincentivized going into the new patch.
MVP: Razork (2)

Rogue vs MAD Lions
The struggling titans of the LEC regular season come roaring back with an outstanding game, easily their best of the split, and beat the Lions in their own kingdom, eviscerating them in the early game with proactive plays and decisive teamfights.
Malrang, who has been horrid in Rogue’s slumps, proves once again why he is the prime catalyst for this team with his signature aggression and relentless ganking.
Just like last split, he single-handedly took over the early game against the most powerful early game team all split, beating the Lions at their own game.
MVP: Malrang (2)
Excel vs G2
The first Nilah of the LEC falls flat on its face, getting completely and utterly outscaled by a very broken Sivir.
Excel were able to get the ball rolling off their point man Markoon, setting up dives and picks alongside Mikyx’s Taric stuns.
G2 were able to counterpunch with Jankos’s Jarvan, but Excel looked to be in control of the game heading into the mid game.
However, that’s when Sivir’s scaling came into play. With Caps and Jankos creating space for him, Flakked simply ran rampant, criting the Excel team to death with his AOE boomerangs, whilst Nilah was unable to find a good wombo with her ultimate to have the same impact.
Even though Flakked mopped up the kills, I think Caps was deserving of the MVP this game. His Sylas was exceptional as per usual, and his genius picks and sublime teamfighting and cooldown usage is what enabled Flakked to scale safely into the late game and eventually win the game for G2.
MVP: Caps (4)