Street Demons Rengar: Skin Release Date, Splash Art, Price

Riot Games
Riot Games

The knife kitty is back with a new skin! From stalking his prey to leaping from bush to bush, Street Demons Rengar is here to take over the jungle!

Street Demons Rengar – Release Date

The entire line of Street Demons skins are set to release on Patch 13.18. Patch 13.18 releases on September 13, although, paid cosmetics always release a day after the patch.

With this in mind, Rengar’s new skin will be available for purchase in the store on September 14.

To keep an eye on all the cosmetic release dates, take a look at the 2023 Patch Schedule to stay in the loop.

Street Demons Rengar – Splash Art

street demons rengar
Credit: Riot Games

Street Demons Rengar – Price

The price of Rengar’s newest skin to release is going to be 1350 RP.

Just as is the case with Rengar’s Street Demon friends, like Zyra and Neeko, the price of all upcoming Street Demons skins will be 1350 RP.