Top 5 ADCs to use in bottom lane

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Kog’Maw: Mouth of the Abyss

Kog’maw was recently brought back into the fold of favored ADCs thanks to a patch last year. With his impressive attack speed and range from his abilities, Kog’maw is a late game hyper carry everyone should fear.

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Kog’maw doesn’t have the strongest early game, not when compared to Lucian and Caitlyn, but his Bio-Arcane Barrage gives him added range to farm minions and trade with opposing laners.

Early game, you don’t particularly want to be trading because of his low mobility.

The real strength with Kog’maw is his ability to siege turrets and capture objectives. Once Kog’maw hits the three item power spike, he can burn through turrets, Baron, or any dragon thanks to his increased attack speed.

With a team that can block incoming attacks on Kog’maw, he can safely shred through the opposing team using his increased range and the massive range on his ultimate. Kog’maw has great synergy with champions like Braum and Lulu for this exact reason.