Rammus is top free champion to play in May Week 5

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Heading into the final week of May, Rammus, the Armordillo, is the top free champion to play with in League of Legends. Get ready to blitz through the jungle in no time.

For those that have never tried the jungle role in League of Legends, it takes some getting used to but if you like it, it brings a lot of fun to the Summoner’s Rift. If you’re already a jungler and want to try out a new champion in the final week of May, look no further than Rammus, the Armordillo.

Primarily a jungle champion, Rammus brings a solid kit to the table. Currently, he has a 50.45 percent win rate as per Champion.gg. Rammus is pretty much a tanky kind of champion that will require a lot for enemies to kill him right off the but once you build his items, can be a force to reckon with.

Make sure to set your runes to the following before playing as him: Greater Mark of Attack Damage (9), Greater Glyph of Magic Resist (9), Greater Seal of Armor (9), and Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed (3).

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When it comes to items, make sure to prioritize building up your health and armor. Specifically, build up to Gargoyle Stoneplate and then Randuin’s Omen.

You’ll notice the common theme around making Rammus being one tough champion to take down in 1v1 situations.

Rammus has a good CC ability via his Q- Powerball and his ultimate, R – Tremors works perfectly when you help gank a lane and want to push. It makes turrets take double damage for quickly taking them down and pushing your objective.

Overall, if you’ve never tried Rammus, give it a shot as he’s a fun champion to use in the jungle. Before you regret the decision, when it comes to bans, make sure to suggest Fiddlesticks, Kindred, and Shaco as they counter him very well.