Full 7.11 notes on latest patch update

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Rek’Sai, Kindred & Malzahar


Rek’Sai’s ultimate now launches her at a target she’s recently damaged. Tunnels can be re-entered more quickly. Base damages down, scaling up.

Base stats


Passive – Fury of the Xer’Sai

Fury generation faster. Burrowed health regeneration ticks more quickly but max regeneration is down.

FURY GENERATION 5 for basic attacks, 10 for unburrowed abilities, 2.5 for additional units hit beyond the first by abilities ⇒ 25 for all attacks and unburrowed abilities

MAX BURROWED HEALTH REGENERATION 25-450 (at levels 1-18) over 5 seconds ⇒ 20-190 (at levels 1-18) over 3 seconds

Q – Queen’s Wrath

Base damage down at later ranks. Ratio doubled.

DAMAGE 15/25/35/45/55 (+0.2 bonus attack damage) ⇒ 15/20/25/30/35 (+0.4 bonus attack damage)

Burrowed Q – Prey Seeker

Now has a bonus AD ratio. Does physical damage instead of magic.

NEW RATIO 0.4 bonus attack damage (in addition to the existing 0.7 ability power ratio)

DAMAGE TYPE Magic ⇒ Physical

Burrowed W – Un-burrow

Primary target is still knocked up, others are now knocked back.

BASE DAMAGE 40/80/120/160/200 ⇒ 50/65/80/95/110

DISPLACEMENT 0.5-1 second knockup on all nearby enemies based on proximity to Rek’Sai ⇒ 1 second knockup on the primary target; 250 range knockback to other nearby enemies

IMMUNITY Only the knocked up target is granted immunity from further knock-ups

IMMUNITY DURATION 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds ⇒ 10 seconds at all ranks

NEW STOP AND SMELL THE ROSE ROOTS Rek’Sai can interact with Plants by attacking them while burrowed

E – Furious Bite

Now has base damage, and scales off bonus AD instead of total AD. Damage no longer scales linearly with Fury, but full-Fury casts still deal double damage as true damage.

DAMAGE 80/90/100/110/120% total attack damage ⇒ 50/60/70/80/90 (+ 0.85 bonus attack damage)

REMOVED RAMP-UP Damage no longer scales linearly with Rek’Sai’s current Fury

THRESHOLD Damage still doubled and dealt as True Damage at max Fury

Burrowed E – Tunnel

Tunnel creation and re-entry cooldowns both reduced at later ranks.

COOLDOWN 26/24/22/20/18 seconds ⇒ 26/23/20/17/14 seconds

RE-ENTRY COOLDOWN 10/9/8/7/6 seconds ⇒ 10/8/6/4/2 seconds

NEW R – Void Rush

Rek’Sai marks champions she damages and can dash to a marked target, dealing damage based off their missing health.

PREY Rek’Sai passively marks enemy champions she damages as Prey for 5 seconds

VOID RUSH Rek’Sai targets a Prey-marked enemy, burrowing after a 0.35 second cast time before emerging from underground and leaping at her target after an additional 0.75 seconds.

UNSTOPPABLE Rek’Sai is unstoppable during both the cast and leap

DAMAGE 100/250/400 (+1.6 bonus attack damage) (+20/25/30% target’s missing health)

COOLDOWN 100/80/60 seconds

RANGE 1500

More from Patch Updates


Passive stacks increase Kindred’s attack range and amplify their abilities.

Base stats


UPDATED Passive – Mark of the Kindred

REMOVED HEARTSEEKING Kindred’s basic attacks no longer deal a percent of their target’s current health damage based on passive stacks

NEW DEATH’S REACH Kindred’s basic attacks and Mounting Dread gain 75 range at 4 stacks, plus 25 range every 4 stacks thereafter

NEW AMPLIFICATION Stacks amplify Kindred’s basic abilities:

  • Q – Dance of Arrows: Bonus attack speed increased by an additional 5% per stack. (No longer increases base damage.)
  • W – Wolf’s Frenzy: Current health damage increased by an additional 0.5% per stack
  • E – Mounting Dread: Missing health damage increased by an additional by 0.5% per stack

Q – Dance of Arrows

Grants attack speed on-cast.

NEW BONUS ATTACK SPEED Now grants 10% attack speed for 4 seconds on cast, plus an additional 5% per Mark of the Kindred stack

REMOVED MARK DAMAGE Mark of the Kindred stacks no longer increase Dance of Arrows’ damage

RATIO 0.2 total attack damage ⇒ 0.65 bonus attack damage

DASH SPEED 400 ⇒ 500

W – Wolf’s Frenzy

Deals additional damage based on current enemy health. Kindred can choose where to cast Wolf’s Frenzy.

NEW CAST RANGE Self-cast ⇒ Anywhere within 500 range (including over walls). Hunting zone radius unchanged.

NEW CURRENT HEALTH DAMAGE Wolf’s attacks deal an additional 1.5% of the target’s current health as damage, plus an additional 0.5% per Mark of the Kindred stack

RATIO 0.4 total attack damage ⇒ 0.2 bonus attack damage

DAMAGE TYPE Physical ⇒ Magic

E – Mounting Dread

Deals additional damage based on missing enemy health and crits low-health enemies.

NEW MISSING HEALTH DAMAGE 8% target’s missing health, plus an additional 0.5% per Mark of the Kindred stack

REMOVED MAX HEALTH DAMAGE No longer deals 5% of the target’s maximum health as damage

BASE DAMAGE 40/75/110/145/180 ⇒ 40/60/80/100/120

RATIO 0.2 total attack damage ⇒ 0.8 bonus attack damage

MISSILE SPEED 1600 ⇒ 2000

JAWS OF DEATH Wolf’s attack critically strikes targets below 15% health for 50% bonus damage. Threshold increased by 0.5% health per 1% critical strike chance (up to 65% health at 100% crit chance).


Q, E, and R deal more damage. W spawns Voidlings based on Malzahar’s spellcasts. Voidlings are less threatening early.

UPDATED W – Void Swarm

COST 40 mana ⇒ 40/45/50/55/60 mana

COOLDOWN 8 seconds

REMOVED CHARGES Malzahar no longer gains a charge every 20/19/18/17/16 seconds

NEW STACKS Malzahar gains a stack of Gathering Swarm when he casts another ability (max 2)

ACTIVE Malzahar summons a Voidling, plus an additional Voidling per stack of Gathering Swarm (max 3 per cast)

REMOVED MULTIPLICATION Voidlings are no longer able to spawn additional Voidlings

CAST RANGE 450 ⇒ 150

Voidling stats

Voidlings gain attack speed per level. Overall damage lower early, higher late.

ATTACK DAMAGE 30/35/40/45/50 (+0.4 bonus attack damage)⇒ 5-64.5 (at levels 1-18)

BONUS DAMAGE 10/15/20/25/30 (+0.2 ability power) ⇒ 12/14/16/18/20 (+0.2 ability power) (+0.4 bonus attack damage)

ATTACK SPEED 0.665 at all levels ⇒ 0.665-0.891 (at levels 1-18)

DAMAGE TYPE Attack damage dealt as physical, bonus damage dealt as magic ⇒ Both components dealt as magic

DURATION 12 seconds ⇒ 8/8/9/9/10 seconds

Voidlings die faster.

HEALTH 3, treated as ward health ⇒ 65-201 (at levels 1-18), treated as normal health

ARMOR 30, irrelevant due to ward health mechanic ⇒ 16-50 (at levels 1-18)

MAGIC RESIST 50, irrelevant due to ward health mechanic ⇒ 8-25 (at levels 1-18)

SQUISHED Turret attacks ⇒ Turret and champion basic attacks kill Voidlings regardless of health

NOT SQUISHED All other sources of damage (ex. minions, monsters, abilities) now deal normal damage to Voidlings


Voidling movement speed decreased, no longer changes situationally.


REMOVED HASTE Voidlings no longer gain 100% movement speed when moving toward priority targets

REMOVED LETHARGY Voidlings no longer lose movement speed the farther away they are from Malzahar

Q – Call of the Void

CAST TIME 0.5 seconds ⇒ 0.25 seconds

POST-CAST DELAY BEFORE FIRING 0 seconds ⇒ 0.4 seconds

RATIO 0.7 ability power ⇒ 0.8 ability power

E – Malefic Visions

RATIO 0.7 ability power ⇒ 0.8 ability power

R – Nether Grasp

NEW BEAM DAMAGE 125/250/375 (+1.15 ability power) flat magic damage

NULL ZONE DAMAGE 25/35/45% (+7.5% per 100 ability power) target’s maximum health ⇒ 10/15/20% (+2.5% per 100 ability power) target’s maximum health