The latest patch update 7.12 has hit League of Legends as several items have been changed to improve those that main the support role.
Earlier this week, the 7.12 patch update has hit League of Legends that introduced changes to champions, the new missions update, and even to popular support items. Most of these changes have gotten rave reviews, especially to items that now make playing the support role even more inviting.
When it comes to item changes, Summoners that main support champions have undoubtedly enjoyed some of the new changes to Locket of the Iron Solari, Redemption, and the newly named Zeke’s Convergence. It’s an amazing new item that gives an ally of your choice a damage-over-time buff to unleash against enemy champions.
Here is a breakdown of all the changes that have come to items directly from the Media Relations Department of League of Legends.
Locket of the Iron Solari
This item got a nerf to the effectiveness of its shield proc but now gives more health when active.
"SHIELD 70-665 (at levels 1-18) ⇒ 65-434 (+2-36% of the caster’s bonus health) (at levels 1-18)REMINDER Locket chooses the higher level between caster and recipient when determining shield scaling – this is unchanged. The new bonus health ratio is always based off the caster’s bonus health."
This item got a slight nerf to its health and health regeneration but gets an increase to its mana regeneration. It also is more effective when you need to drop a clutch heal to your teammates in a team fight.
"HEALTH 300 ⇒ 200HEALTH REGEN +75% base health regen ⇒ +50% base health regenMANA REGEN +125% base mana regen ⇒ +150% base mana regenHEAL 65-490 (level 1-18) ⇒ 30-370 (level 1-18)NEW UBERHEAL Redemption’s heal amount is affected three times as much by heal and shield power amplifiers"
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Zeke’s Convergence
Formerly called Zeke’s Harbinger, this item got the biggest update of them all in patch 7.12.
It’s more expensive but brings some serious power to those that main the support role. Now, anytime you cast your ultimate ability, you’ll slow enemy champions down and it helps your ally gain bonus damage.
"NAME Zeke’s Harbinger ⇒ Zeke’s ConvergenceTOTAL COST 2250 gold ⇒ 2400 goldBUILD PATH Glacial Shroud + Amplifying Tome + Amplifying Tome + 380 gold ⇒ Aegis of the Legion + Glacial Shroud + 400 goldREMOVED ABILITY POWER No longer grants 50 ability powerARMOR 30 ⇒ 60NEW MAGIC RESIST 30COOLDOWN REDUCTION 10% (unchanged)MANA 250 (unchanged)"
"NEW UNIQUE PASSIVE Casting your ultimate near your ally surrounds you with a frost storm and ignites your ally’s basic attacks for 10 seconds (45 second cooldown). Enemies inside your frost storm are slowed by 20% and your ally’s attacks burn their target for 50% bonus magic damage over 2 seconds.NEW UNIQUE PASSIVE Frostfire Covenant: Basic attacking a burning enemy ignites your frost storm to deal 40 magic damage per second and slow by 40% for 3 seconds.REMOVED CHARGES Zeke’s Harbinger Convergence no longer gains charges over time or triggers based on charge count, and no longer grants 20% bonus ability power or 50% critical strike chance when triggeredCONDUIT BINDING RESTRICTION 60 second cooldown ⇒ Can’t be re-bound while Frostfire Covenant is on cooldown, and the binding active can’t be cast on the ally you’re currently bound to, or other allies that are bound by a different Zeke’s Convergence."
Athene’s Unholy Grail
Athene’s Unholy Grail for a major buff as it now does a greater base mana regeneration and reduces your overall cooldown time. With this equipped, you’ll be able to gain more ability power the more you regenerate mana, talk about an impact Support item!
"ABILITY POWER 40 ⇒ 30MANA REGEN +75% base mana regen ⇒ +100% base mana regenCOOLDOWN REDUCTION 20% ⇒ 10%BLOOD EARN RATE 20% of premitigation damage dealt to champions ⇒ 25% of premitigation damage dealt to championsNEW DISSONANCE Grants 5 ability power for every +25% base mana regenREMOVED HARMONY No longer grants +25% base health regen for every +25% base mana regen"
Banner of Command
Make no mistake about it, minions in League of Legends have done their part in taking down towers and dishing out damage to enemy champions. Use the Banner of Command to empower a minion to push a lane as now, a new unique passive gives bonus movement speed when near turrets and Void Gates.
"BUILD PATH Aegis of the Legion + Glacial Shroud + 100 gold ⇒ Aegis of the Legion + Raptor Cloak + 200 goldTOTAL COST 2200 gold (unchanged)NEW HEALTH REGEN+125% base health regenREMOVED MANA No longer grants 400 manaNEW UNIQUE PASSIVE Point Runner: Builds up to 20% bonus movement speed over 2 seconds while near turrets, fallen turrets, and Void Gates."
Knight’s Vow
For all you tanky support champions out there, Knight’s Vow now brings an extra 10 percent cooldown reduction and costs lesser.
"BUILD PATH Crystalline Bracer + Chain Vest + 850 gold ⇒ Kindlegem + Chain Vest + 700 goldNEW COOLDOWN REDUCTION 10%REMOVED HEALTH REGEN No longer grants +100% base health regen"
Righteous Glory
To make things easier, Righteous Glory now automatically procs its main ability once near an enemy champion. Once you’re close to an enemy, it will proc to be able to chase them down faster over four seconds and when it expires, will emit a shockwave to slow them down as well.
"RECIPE Catalyst of Aeons + Crystalline Bracer + 750 gold ⇒ Glacial Shroud + Crystalline Bracer + 950 goldHEALTH 500 ⇒ 400NEW ARMOR 30NEW COOLDOWN REDUCTION 10%REMOVED UNIQUE PASSIVE No longer grants Catalyst of Aeon’s Eternity passiveNEW UNIQUE ACTIVE Slow nova now automatically triggers if an enemy champion is within close proximityREMOVED UNIQUE ACTIVE Slow nova can no longer be manually triggered early"

App Trigger
Glacial Shroud
No huge changes to Glacial Shroud except now it’s cheaper and a small nerf to its overall armor.
"COMBINE COST 350 gold ⇒ 250 goldTOTAL COST 1000 gold ⇒ 900 goldARMOR 25 ⇒ 20"
"Iceborn GauntletCOMBINE COST 650 gold ⇒ 750 goldTOTAL COST 2700 gold (unchanged)"
"Frozen HeartCOMBINE COST 650 gold ⇒ 750 goldTOTAL COST 2700 gold (unchanged)"
Raptor Cloak
Just like Glacial Shroud, the 7.12 patch update made it cheaper and also lowered its armor a bit.
"BUILD PATH Rejuvenation Bead + Chain Vest + 250 gold ⇒ Rejuvenation Bead + Cloth Armor + 450 goldTOTAL COST 1200 gold ⇒ 900 goldARMOR 40 ⇒ 30"
"OhmwreckerCOMBINE COST 650 gold ⇒ 950 goldTOTAL COST 2650 gold (unchanged)"
"Zz’rot PortalCOMBINE COST 780 gold ⇒ 1080 goldTOTAL COST 2700 gold (unchanged)"
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Talisman of Ascension
No updates except for price changes.
"TOTAL COST 2400 gold ⇒ 2200 goldCOMBINE COST 350 gold ⇒ 450 gold"