Urgot set to be top lane juggernaut

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Urgot, the Headsman’s Pride, is going to get such an update, he will be quite the top lane juggernaut to go up against.

For some time now, Urgot, the Headsman’s Pride, has been forgotten in the top lane of League of Legends. He’s supposed to be a tanky kind of champion that can take a plethora of damage but once he levels up and is geared, should be a force to reckon with against anyone he’s going up against.

Unfortunately, his kit leaves much to the imagination. It’s just not viable to deliver consistent results in the top lane and when it comes to team fights, Urgot tends to be on the outside looking in.

Besides swapping places with enemy champions via his ultimate, R – Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser, a shield, and reducing the armor of enemies, it doesn’t add much to dishing out real damage. Luckily, an update is coming soon for Urgot.

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In an article written by Tanner Dedmon of WWG, he confirmed via developer Reav3 that Urgot is going to get a serious boost to his abilities and possibly even a huge visual update. Here’s what Reav3 said:

"“The current version of Urgot is a pretty unique champion — a marksman/tank hybrid,” Reav3 said. “We like that Urgot is kind of weird champion and we want to preserve that, but we also want to focus his identity a little bit more.”"

It should also be noted that Reav3 confirmed that yes, Urgot will indeed have shotgun knees once his rework is said and done. This kind of update should hopefully change the META up in the top lane which as per Champion.gg, is dominated by Karthus, Pantheon, and Kayle. Perhaps once Summoners see a new-look Urgot with a tankier yet powerful kit, he should make quite the impact once it’s released.