Breaking down all the new Honor update features

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In patch update 7.13, League of Legends finally introduced their new Honor update and so far, it’s fantastic.

League of Legends recently dropped patch update 7.13 and besides all the changes to champions and items, they introduced the new Honor update. At the end of every match, Summoners will now be able to honor one of their teammates via the new voting screen.

You’ll be able to honor a Summoner that did their part, were helpful or brought a positive experience to a match. If they get the most votes, they will add more to their overall Honor level as to which in the future, will be able to earn exclusive rewards.

Once a Summoner hits Honor Level 2, they’ll continue to evolve their overall level and have it proudly displayed on their profile page. The system will automatically earn you some Honor points even if you don’t get voted, as long as you play well and again, handle your respective role efficiently.

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The goal of this new Honor update is to encourage everyone on a team to vote for the best player and showcase teamwork above all else. If all members of a team at least vote, everyone will get Honor points.

Once you hit Honor Level 3, you’ll unlock a new loading screen flair for your next game that continues to evolve the more you play and get honored. In addition to that, new Honor Capsules will start to drop for you.

These are just like Chests and will contain some pretty epic loot. Everything from permanent champions, new ward skins, and even key fragments will drop. Below, you will find the official patch notes courtesy of the Media Relations Department of League of Legends:

"VOTING SCREENAfter each game, honor one teammateHONOR CATEGORIES – Friendly, Helpful, Teamwork, Honorable Opponent >>> Great shotcalling, Stayed cool, GG <3POST-GAME SCREEN[NEW] POST-GAME CEREMONY – If the majority of your team honors you, you get a shoutout for the whole lobby.[NEW] HONOR LEVELS – Everyone starts at Honor level 2, and consistent honorable play unlocks an evolving Honor level, displayed on the profile page. You will move up even if you are not honored, providing you’re always playing to win.[NEW] BOOSTED – If a full team all participates in the Honor vote, everyone on that team will receive a small boost to their Honor level progressLOADING SCREEN[UPDATED] FLAIR – At Honor level 3 and above, receiving honor in the post-game screen unlocks a loading screen flair for your next game. Your loading screen flair design levels up as you do.REWARDS[UPDATED] KEY FRAGMENTS – Key fragments will drop exclusively through Honor. As long as you’re at least level 2 (the starting level) you’ll continue to receive the same amount as now. These will drop outside of the post-game screen, or on login.[NEW] HONOR CAPSULES – After level 3, you’ll receive Honor Capsules as well as key fragments. These don’t require a key to open, and contain at least two key fragments. Some also contain champ shards and exclusive rewards like Medieval Twitch and Grey Warwick skin permanents."

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Overall, this new Honor update is exactly what League of Legends needed to purify the community and encourage positive gameplay. Make no mistake about it, it’s a huge step in improving the community and making the game more enticing for new gamers.