Warded pings makes a ton of sense

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League of Legends is all about teamwork, execution, and vision. Adding a ping to warded areas makes a ton of sense in the grand scheme of things.

No matter which role you enjoy playing in when it comes to League of Legends, one thing is certain in that vision plays a huge part in winning or losing matches. Without vision in key areas of a map, you will be vulnerable to ganks, surprise attacks, or completely miss out on enemies going for a Baron or dragon kill.

Warding an area is critical to know where the enemy is at all times and also helps your teammates gain vision in the Summoner’s Rift. Unfortunately, at this point in time, there is now way to ping a ward or even a warded area.

The good news is, the ability to do so is on the horizon in League of Legends. In an article written by Ryan Gilliam of The Rift Herald, he confirmed via developer Meddler that plans are in place:

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"Warded Ping is on its way. Odds are reasonable, though not guaranteed, it will be in the next patch or the one after."

Being able to ping an area on the map that got warded will not only let teammates know but would come in very handy when trying to push a lane.

If teammates are barreling down the mid lane, being able to ping warded areas near bushes across the map will let everyone know to keep an eye out in case you see an enemy champion trying to cut off the lane push.

Since the famous ping wheel is getting recoded and even possibly a new look over the next patch update or two, it makes sense to add another ping to the game that will only stress communication about where wards are located. In the heat of a match, sometimes people forget where wards are and end up walking into an undesirable situation.

It would also help to have the ability to ping enemy wards, ping an area that an ADC wants warded by their support, and even ping an area where you think an enemy might have placed a ward. Either way, it’s a great feature that is long overdue in League of Legends.