Breaking down all changes to champions in patch 7.13

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League of Legends recently dropped patch update 7.13 and have made a plethora of changes to several champions. Here’s a breakdown for each major update.

Besides the amazing new Honor update that was finally introduced in patch update 7.13, League of Legends also made a lot of changes to several champions. Most noticeably, top lane champions got the majority of buffs in this latest patch update.

Whether you main Maokai, Poppy, or Trundle, the good news is they all got some amazing buffs. Shaco, on the other hand, got nerfed. It remains to be seen how these changes will affect current META champions but at the end of the day, all these champions should now be difference makers once again.

Courtesy of the Media Relations Department of League of Legends, below you’ll find all the latest updates to champions:


Gnar gets a nice update to his Q – Boomerang Throw and when he’s in Mega Gnar form also gets a range increase with his E – Crunch ability. This bodes well for either form and especially when engaging in team fights.

"Q – Boomerang ThrowBASE DAMAGE :: 5/35/65/95/125 >>> 5/45/85/125/165Mega E – CrunchRANGE :: 475 >>> 600"


Kennen should now be even more viable in the top lane since he got a huge buff to his Attack Power and bonus Attack Damage procs. Summoners that use him should now have an easier time building him up either as a burst kind of champion or one that dishes out pure raw damage in 1v1 situations.

"W-empowered attack bonus is now base plus AP and bonus AD ratios. Hurricane no longer stacks W. E ratio increased.W – Electrical SurgeEMPOWERED ATTACK BONUS DAMAGE :: 0.4/0.5/0.6/0.7/0.8 total attack damage >>> 15/20/25/30/35 (+0.6 bonus attack damage) (+0.3 ability power)[REM] SHURRICANE :: Electrical Surge now stacks when Kennen fires a basic attack, instead of on-hit. (Runaan’s Hurricane no longer grants extra stacks.)E – Lightning RushRATIO :: 0.6 ability power >>> 0.8 ability power"


Kha’Zix got some nerfs to his overall damage. Developers decreased the damage of his Q – Taste Their Fear but increased his R – Void Assault’s invisibility duration. It might take him a bit longer to clear the jungle but he should bring quite the damage when sneaking up on enemies to go in for the kill.

"Q – Taste Their FearBASE DAMAGE :: 70/95/120/145/170 >>> 60/85/110/135/160RATIO :: 1.2 bonus attack damage >>> 1.1 bonus attack damageISOLATION BONUS :: +50% damage >>> +65% damageR – Void AssaultINVISIBILITY DURATION :: 1.25 seconds >>> 1.5 secondsEVOLVED INVISIBILITY DURATION :: Upon entering brush while out of combat, Kha’Zix becomes invisible for ||| 2.5 seconds >>> 3 secondsEVOLVED INVISIBILITY LINGER :: Up to ||| 1.25 seconds >>> 1.5 seconds after exiting brush"

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Kindred got some nice damage buffs to her W – Wolf’s Frenzy and E – Mounting Dread. Now she’ll be able to clear the jungle faster.

"Passive – Mark of the KindredRANGE PER MARKS :: Kindred’s basic attacks and Mounting Dread gain 75 range at 4 stacks, plus 25 range ||| every 4 stacks >>> every 3 stacks thereafterW – Wolf’s FrenzyADDITIONAL DAMAGE PER MARK :: 0.5% enemy current health >>> 1% enemy current healthE – Mounting DreadBASE DAMAGE :: 40/60/80/100/120 >>> 60/80/100/120/140"


If you thought Maokai was hard to take down before, this latest patch update increased his overall base health. He also got +500 range added to his R – Nature’s Grasp so enemies should run even faster the moment they see those brambles and thorns coming.

"Base statsBASE HEALTH :: 540 >>> 565R – Nature’s GraspRANGE :: 2500 >>> 3000COOLDOWN :: 120/110/100 seconds >>> 120/100/80 seconds"


Everyone’s favorite Keeper of the Hammer got a nice buff to her Q – Hammer Shock. Bring some extra health positions when going up against her.

"Q – Hammer ShockRATIO :: 7% target’s maximum health >>> 8% target’s maximum health"


Rek’Sai got a nice increase to her Attack Damage ratio for her R – Void Rush. She did, however, get a nerf to her W – Un-borrow ability which now has a cooldown of .15 seconds when you unborrow.

"Q – Queen’s WrathSO FRESH SO QUEEN :: Spells queued while attacking are handled betterBurrowed W – Un-burrowUNBURROW SPEED :: Now takes the same time to unburrow whether you press W or attack a target (0.15 seconds)BUGFIX :: Knockback effect for secondary targets no longer lasts longer than intendedR – Void RushRATIO :: 1.6 bonus attack damage >>> 1.85 bonus attack damageHUD PING :: Void Rush can now properly be HUD-pinged to display its cooldown or readiness, regardless of whether a marked target is in rangeGREEN CIRCLE :: Void Rush’s cooldown availability now displays accurately for allies in the HUDSPECTATOR NOISE :: Prey marks no longer show up for spectators"

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  • Shaco

    Despite Shaco’s E – Two-Shiv Poison base damage getting nerfed, it will be worth it once it’s fully leveled up as developers scaled it up as it’s upgraded. Also, keep in mind that this ability is now physical and not magical damage anymore.

    "E – Two-Shiv PoisonBASE DAMAGE :: 5/35/65/95/125 >>> 50/75/100/125/150RATIO :: 0.75 total attack damage >>> 0.6/0.75/0.9/1.05/1.2 bonus attack damageDAMAGE TYPE :: Magic >>> Physical[NEW] FINISH HIM :: Now deals up to 50% additional damage based on target’s missing health[REM] FINISH HIM :: No longer deals 3 ~ 8% missing health damage based on character level"


    For all you Trundle mains out there, you’d be happy to know he now can use his Q – Chomp against turrets! Developers also increased his W – Frozen Domain to increase its healing regeneration.

    "Q – Chomp[NEW?] JAWS OF STEEL :: Trundle can once again Chomp turrets[NEW] ORTHODONTIC SURGERY :: The attack following Chomp now has more consistent timing and scales better with attack speed.W – Frozen DomainINCREASED HEALING AND REGENERATION :: 20% >>> 25%BUGFIX :: Was already giving 25% increased lifesteal. We’re “fixing” the bug by bringing other sources of healing/regen up to the same level."


    Xayah’s debut a few patch updates ago was a bit overpowered but now she’s scaling properly in her ADC role. In this latest patch update, her Q – Double Daggers now scales down with her overall attack speed.

    "Q – Double DaggersFEAST :: Attack lockout now scales down with attack speed."

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    Rammus didn’t really get any updates to his kit but now, when you hit /dance in the Summoner’s Rift, his moves will scale with his overall movespeed. Have you ever seen an armadillo dance so fast before in the Summoner’s Rift?

    "YEAH :: Rammus’s dance moves are so sick they scale with movespeed"