How to earn loading screen flairs with Honor update

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Earning the new loading screen flairs in League of Legends via the new Honor system is all about creating positive experiences in every match you’re a part of.

The new Honor update is live in League of Legends and so far, has been pretty amazing. Summoners will now be able to level up their Honor and also vote a fellow teammate at the end of every match to recognize them for a job well done, whether they win or lose.

In addition to this new Honor system, League of Legends also introduced new loading screen flairs that can be earned once a Summoner is level 3. After you’re level 3, all you need to do is earn honor from two premade teammates or with a stranger in a game and a loading screen flair will unlock for your next match.

In order to unlock loading screen flairs, it’s all about being positive, friendly, and doing the very best you can in your respective role to earn honor. Even if you had a bad game but still help out when possible, you’ll still earn honor as long as you follow the rules, don’t grief/intentionally feed, and again, make the match focused on positive teamwork.

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Keep in mind that loading screen flairs only last one game after coming off a great game. It’s the same process after it disappears in that you need to earn honor from two premade teammates or a stranger.

Once you hit Honor level 4 and 5, the flairs get bigger, better, and grow as you level up. It’s all about playing a lot of matches, being friendly, and again, no matter what the final outcome is, making sure to have a positive experience.

Loading screen flairs are just a small way League of Legends plans to honor Summoners that play by the rules and encourage a good match even if things go sour. Over time, expect to see even better and more unique loading screen flairs over the next few patch updates.