Patch update 7.14 has hit League of Legends as the focus was clearly on top lane champions. Here’s a full breakdown of all the changes.
For all you tanky top lane champions, patch update 7.14 in League of Legends undoubtedly brought a big smile to your faces. Champions ranging from Garen, Fiora, and even Singed, many popular top lane options saw some interesting changes to their abilities.
Besides that, this patch update focused on champions, items, and finally brought the audio update to the popular SKT T1 Worlds 2016 skins.
Courtesy of the Media Relations Department of League of Legends, below you’ll find all the latest updates to champions:
Alistar sees his damage reduced in his ultimate ability, R – Unbreakable Will. This is perfect for his role as a support champion since it will help him be able to take a lot more damage.
"R – Unbreakable WillDAMAGE REDUCTION :: 50/60/70% >>> 55/65/75%[NEW] CLARITY :: Now displays how much damage Unbreakable Will is mitigating per damage instance (visible only to Alistar and his attacker)"
Developers reduced the attack speed per level when it comes to Caitlyn as she was a bit overpowered when it came to how quickly she dished out damage.
"Base statsATTACK SPEED GROWTH :: 4% >>> 2%"
Everyone’s favorite Terror of the Void saw a nice update to his overall kit. Cho’Gath will now do more damage when it comes to his E – Vorpal Spikes as well as slowing every target it hits. Developers also made changes to the mana requirement of his Q – Rupture as well as increasing the silence duration of his W – Feral Scream. Keep an eye out for him anytime when going up against him since he now packs more of a punch, can slow, and silence enemies as he’s more of a complete package now.
"[UPDATE] E – Vorpal SpikesCho’Gath’s next 3 basic attacks launch spikes that damage and slow all targets hit.[NEW] COOLDOWN :: 8/7/6/5/4 seconds[NEW] COST :: 30 manaBASE DAMAGE :: 20/35/50/65/80 (+0.3 ability power) (unchanged)[NEW] MAX HEALTH DAMAGE :: 4% target’s maximum health (+0.5% per Feast stack)[NEW] DECAYING SLOW :: 30/35/40/45/50%, decaying over 1.5 seconds[NEW] SET AND SPIKE :: Now grants 50 extra basic attack range[NEW] SPEEDY SPIKES :: Now resets Cho’Gath’s basic attack timerBUGFIX :: Now correctly applies Hunter’s Talisman’s health drainQ – RuptureDAMAGE :: 80/135/190/245/305 >>> 80/135/190/245/300COST :: 90 mana >>> 60 manaW – Feral ScreamSILENCE DURATION :: 1.5/1.625/1.75/1.875/2 seconds >>> 1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9/2 seconds"
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Not being all that much of a popular champion in either the jungle or mid lane role, Diana saw some major changes in this latest patch update.
Her passive, Moonsilver Blade, now restores mana and can proc off of any spell she casts. This should undoubtedly help her out to become more of a viable option in the jungle.
"Passive – Moonsilver BladeATTACK SPEED :: Passively grants 20% attack speed >>> Diana’s spellcasts grant 20% attack speed for her next 3 attacks, increasing with Moonfall’s rank[NEW] MANA RESTORE :: Moonsilver Blade’s attack restores mana equal to 15% of Diana’s ability powerQ – Crescent StrikeCOOLDOWN :: 10/9/8/7/6 seconds >>> 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 secondsW – Pale CascadeCOST :: 60/70/80/90/100 mana >>> 40/55/70/85/100 manaE – Moonfall[NEW] ATTACK SPEED :: Increases Moonsilver Blade’s attack speed bonus to 50/60/70/80/90%"
Fiora has been seeing a lot of success in the top lane due to how her kit previously allowed her to seemingly have the upper hand early on in matches. She can hit enemies and quickly escape without getting hit at all. Due to this, developers nerfed the bonus movement speed when it comes to her passive, Duelist’s Dance. Summoners should see her a bit more balanced now.
"Passive – Duelist’s DanceBONUS MOVEMENT SPEED :: 20/30/40/50% >>> 15/20/25/30%R – Grand Challenge[REM] DANCE FLOOR :: Grand Challenge no longer grants Duelist’s Dance’s movement speed while near the target"
Besides his patented “spin to win” style of play in the top lane, Garen now can bring the heat when it comes to going up against even the toughest of champions. His abilities now regenerate health a bit differently depending on how much health he’s at. The best update comes to his W – Courage which now gives him 60 percent damage reduction and a new proc of 0.75 seconds of tenacity. Be very careful now because that R – Demacian Justice is going to hurt even more if his spell rotation is timed correctly.
"Passive – PerseveranceOUT OF COMBAT HEALTH REGEN :: 2%/4%/10% maximum health per 5 seconds (at levels 1/11/16) >>> 2%/8% maximum health per 5 seconds (at levels 1/11)OUT OF COMBAT TIMER :: 9/6/4 seconds (at levels 1/11/16) >>> 9/3 seconds (at levels 1/11)[NEW] DEMACIAN BOLDNESS :: Regeneration increases to 4/16% maximum health per 5 seconds when Garen is below 25/50% maximum health (at levels 1/11)W – Courage[NEW] CLARITY :: Now displays how much damage Courage is mitigating[NEW] STEEL YOUR COURAGE :: Now grants Garen 60% damage reduction and tenacity for the first 0.75 seconds, returning to the normal 30% damage reduction for the remaining duration thereafterE – JudgmentRATIO PER SPIN :: 34/35/36/37/38% total attack damage >>> 36/37/38/39/40% total attack damage"

App Trigger
Rammus gets a change in this patch update to his W – Defensive Ball Curl as those that main him will enjoy self-slow being buffed.
"W – Defensive Ball CurlSELF SLOW :: 60% >>> 30%BUGFIX :: Defensive Ball Curl now properly increases the size of Iceborn Gauntlet’s slow zone"
The amount of updates that hit Singed, the Mad Chemist, are truly amazing. He got a plethora of nerfs to his passive, health, and overall attack power.
"Base statsBASE HEALTH :: 542.76 >>> 610HEALTH GROWTH :: 82 >>> 90[NEW] Passive – Noxious SlipstreamNAME :: Empowered Bulwark >>> Noxious Slipstream[NEW] NOXIOUS SLIPSTREAM :: When Singed passes within 225 range of a champion, he drifts off of them, gaining 20% bonus movement speed for 2 seconds. This effect has a champion-unique 10 second cooldown.[REM] EMPOWERED BULWARK :: Singed no longer gains health based on his maximum manaQ – Poison TrailBASE DAMAGE :: 44/68/92/116/140 >>> 40/60/80/100/120RATIO :: 0.6 ability power >>> 0.8 ability power[UPD] MORE CLOUDY :: Particle size increased to more clearly represent the poison’s area of effectBUGFIX :: Poison trail no longer visually disappears when Singed leaves enemies’ visionW – Mega AdhesiveAREA DURATION :: 5 seconds >>> 3 seconds[NEW] EXTRA STICKY :: Now grounds units within the Mega Adhesive puddleSLOW :: 35/45/55/65/75% >>> 40% at all ranks[REM] LINGER :: Mega Adhesive’s slow no longer lingers for 1 second after enemies leave the puddleCOST :: 70/80/90/100/110 mana >>> 60/70/80/90/100 manaCOOLDOWN :: 14 seconds at all ranks >>> 17/16/15/14/13 secondsE – FlingCOST :: 100/110/120/130/140 mana >>> 80/95/110/125/140 manaR – Insanity PotionCOST :: 150 mana >>> 100 manaBONUS STATS :: 35/50/80 >>> 35/60/85"
Developers felt that Taric wasn’t as effective when it came to his late-game contributions so this update, he gets buffs to his mana regen, the healing done by his Q – Starlight’s Touch, and even a bit more damage to his E – Dazzle.
"Base statsMANA REGEN :: 5 per 5 seconds >>> 8.5 per 5 secondsMANA REGEN GROWTH :: 1 >>> 0.8Q – Starlight’s TouchHEALING PER CHARGE :: 20/30/40/50/60 (+0.2 ability power) (+1.5% Taric’s bonus health) >>> 30 (+0.2 ability power)(+1% Taric’s maximum health)MAX CHARGES :: 3 at all ranks >>> 1/2/3/4/5COST :: 60/80/100/120/140 mana >>> 70/80/90/100/110 mana[NEW] COOLDOWN :: 3 secondsRECHARGE RATE :: 15 seconds (unchanged)[UPD] BRAVADO :: Bravado-empowered attacks ||| reduce Starlight’s Touch’s recharge timer by an additional 5 seconds >>> reduce Starlight’s Touch’s cooldown by 1 second and instantly grant a chargeE – DazzleDAMAGE :: 60/105/150/195/240 >>> 100/145/190/235/280COOLDOWN :: 15 seconds at all ranks >>> 17/16/15/14/13 secondsSTUN DURATION :: 1/1.125/1.25/1.375/1.5 seconds >>> 1.25 seconds at all ranks"
Yorick got some buffs to his overall health and durability. This should make those that main him enjoy everything he brings to the table when it comes to longer than usual matches.
"Passive – Shepherd of Souls[NEW] MIST JUMPERS :: Mist Walkers now attack immediately upon landing from the E JumpMIST WALKER BASE DAMAGE :: 10-95 (at levels 1-18) >>> 2-100 (at levels 1-18)MIST WALKER RATIO :: 0.3 total attack damage (unchanged)MOURNING MIST REACTION RANGE :: 1000 >>> 1400GRAVE DESPAWN RANGE :: 1600 >>> 2000R – Eulogy of the IslesCOOLDOWN :: 160/150/140 seconds >>> 160/130/100 secondsBASE HEALTH :: 700/1500/3000 >>> 700/1500/4000"
Nunu has been a bit strong as of late and due to it, developers have nerfed not only his base health regeneration but also his armor. Sorry, the Yeti Rider won’t be as dominant as before.
"BASE HEALTH REGEN :: 7 per 5 seconds >>> 5 per 5 secondsARMOR :: 26.38 >>> 23"
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Everyone’s favorite Secret Weapon got a nerf to his Q – Stretching Strikes to where its range won’t be as long as before.