Breaking down all changes to champions in patch 7.15

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Patch update 7.15 is finally live in League of Legends as the focus was on continuing to balance several champions with nerfs and buffs. Here’s a full breakdown of all the changes.

Besides the rework of Urgot, the Dreadnought in League of Legends, developers dropped patch update 7.15 this week to further balance gameplay out with various champions that either needed to be nerfed or buffed.

In the grand scheme of things, this latest patch update fixed some big issues with Kayn, the Shadow Reaper, as he was a bit buggy after being released in patch update 7.14. For those of you that played as him or unfortunately fell to his overpowered ways, you’d be happy to know that some glitches were fixed.

Courtesy of the Media Relations Department of League of Legends, below you’ll find all the latest updates to champions.


The reworked Urgot will be live in this patch as he’ll be terrorizing the Summoner’s Rift unlike any other time before.

"Urgot, The Dreadnought, will be updated with the launch of patch 7.15!"


Akali got a nice buff to the attack power of her Passive – Twin Disciplines and her W – Twilight Shroud had its cooldown reduced a bit.

"Passive – Twin DisciplinesRATIO :: 0.65 ability power >>> 0.75 ability powerW – Twilight ShroudCOOLDOWN :: 20 seconds >>> 18 seconds"


The ever popular mid lane champion got a buff to his W – Arise! that sees his patented sand soldiers do more damage.

"W – Arise!SOLDIER STAB DAMAGE :: 50-170 (at levels 1-18) >>> 50-195 (at levels 1-18)"


Cho’Gath has been nerfed due to how powerful his E – Vorpal Spikes were from the last patch update. Things should now be balanced for enemies going up against him.

"E – Vorpal SpikesDAMAGE :: 20/35/50/65/80 >>> 20/30/40/50/60RATIO :: 4% target’s maximum health >>> 3% target’s maximum health"

Dr. Mundo

Everyone’s favorite Madman of Zaun now will be tougher to take down as developers buffed his E – Masochism to proc even more magic resistance when hit with magic damage.

"E – Masochism[NEW] NO PAIN NO GAIN :: Taking magic damage or paying a health cost increases Dr. Mundo’s magic resistance by 2% (stacks up to 3/6/9/12/15 times)"


The cooldown to Ekko’s famous E – Phase Dive is lesser now so be careful of that quick teleport right to your champion.

"E – Phase DiveCOOLDOWN :: 11/10/9/8/7 seconds >>> 9/8.5/8/7.5/7 seconds"


For all you Elise mains out there, her base attack damage has been nerfed since she was a bit too strong when clearing enemies in the jungle.

"Base statsBASE ATTACK DAMAGE :: 50.5 >>> 47"


Ezreal gets a buff to reduce the cooldown of his Q – Mystic Shot which is a great ability to reduce all his cooldowns if it strikes an enemy unit. He should be able to dominate his CS even more so thanks to this update.

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"Q – Mystic ShotCOOLDOWN :: 6.5/6/5.5/5/4.5 seconds >>> 5.5/5.25/5/4.75/4.5 seconds"


For those of you that love to play as Gangplank, you’ll be happy to know that his Passive – Trial by Fire got buffed to do more damage. His ability to go toe-to-toe with enemy champions in the earlier part of matches is now improved.

"Passive – Trial by FireDAMAGE :: 30-200 (at levels 1-18) >>> 45-215 (at levels 1-18)"


The Rabble Rouser in League of Legends got a nerf to his overall base damage due to how fast he was able to clear the jungle and well, be too much of a headache when ganking. Gragas also gets a nerf to the cooldown of his R – Explosive Cask.

"Base statsBASE ATTACK SPEED :: 0.651 >>> 0.625R – Explosive CaskCOOLDOWN :: 100/90/80 seconds >>> 120/100/80 seconds"


Irelia will now be able to use her ultimate, R – Transcendent Blades, even faster as developers buffed its cooldown at early ranks.

"R – Transcendent BladesCOOLDOWN :: 110/85/60 seconds >>> 100/80/60 seconds"


Things will get even more annoying when facing Jinx as her W – Zap! got its cooldown reduced and also got a bugfix finally applied.

"Q – Switcheroo!BUGFIX :: Runaan’s Hurricane bolts now properly deal Fishbones’s bonus attack damage to their primary targetsW – Zap!COOLDOWN :: 10/9/8/7/6 seconds >>> 8/7/6/5/4 seconds"

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  • Kayn

    The newest champion in League of Legends gets a buff to his bonus Attack Damage ratio when it comes to his ultimate R – Umbral Trespass. Kayn also had a plethora of bugfixes that were addressed.

    "R – Umbral TrespassRATIO :: 1.1 bonus attack damage >>> 1.5 bonus attack damage (Darkin form loses this ratio in favor of an enemy max health ratio, so is unaffected)>Bugfixes"

    "Fixed a bug where R – Umbral Trespass wasn’t making Kayn ‘unseen’ for Duskblade of Draktharr’s Nightstalker proc"

    "Fixed a bug where Shadow Assassin’s passive wasn’t amplifying damage-over-time (ex. Deathfire Touch) or proc (ex. Duskblade of Draktharr) effects"

    "Fixed a bug where Shadow Assassin’s passive triggered against Fiora’s W – Riposte, Pantheon’s W – Aegis Protection, and Shen’s W – Spirit’s Refuge even though there’s no damage to amplify"

    "Fixed a bug where Kled’s Q – Bear Trap on a Rope ended Kayn’s R – Umbral Trespass early."

    "Fixed a bug where Kayn could cast R – Umbral Trespass on an enemy he attempted to damage when all of the damage was absorbed by a shield"


    Lissandra gets some solid buffs to her mana per level and overall base attack damage. This should undoubtedly help her be more effective in team fights later on in matches and also with her overall CS.

    "Base statsBASE ATTACK DAMAGE :: 50.536 >>> 53MANA PER LEVEL :: 50 >>> 60"


    Watch out for Lux as now her Q – Light Binding has a lower cooldown and if her W – Prismatic Barrier hits an ally before it expires will double the shield power.

    "Q – Light BindingCOOLDOWN :: 15/14/13/12/11 seconds >>> 13/12.5/12/11.5/11 secondsW – Prismatic Barrier[NEW] SHIELD ME ONCE :: Hitting an ally with Prismatic Barrier as it’s going out doubles the shield granted when it’s coming back"


    Nami’s Q – Aqua Prison now has a reduced cooldown to continue annoying enemy champions with its ability to deal damage and stun.

    "Q – Aqua PrisonCOOLDOWN :: 14/13/12/11/10 seconds >>> 12/11/10/9/8 seconds"


    Nasus will now be able to use his E – Spirit Fire to reduce all armor when it hits enemy champions. His ultimate R – Fury of the Sands now reduces the cooldown of Q – Siphoning Strike by 50 percent.

    "E – Spirit FireARMOR REDUCTION :: 15/20/25/30/35 flat armor reduction >>> 15/20/25/30/35 percent armor reductionR – Fury of the Sands[NEW] SPEEDY SAND :: While Nasus is empowered, Siphoning Strike’s cooldown is reduced by 50%"

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  • Nautilus

    The Titan of the Depths gets a nice buff to his Q – Dredge Line as it now does better early damage. The cooldown of his ultimate R – Depth Charge was also reduced which means more enemies flying up in the air when hit.

    "Q – Dredge LineBASE DAMAGE :: 60/105/150/195/240 >>> 80/120/160/200/240R – Depth ChargeCOOLDOWN :: 140/110/80 seconds >>> 120/100/80 seconds"


    The Half-Dragon had her base armor increased in this latest patch update and gets her total Attack Damage buffed when hitting enemies with E – Flame Breath.

    "Base statsBASE ARMOR :: 27.6 >>> 29E – Flame Breath[NEW] MISSILE RATIO :: 0.3 total attack damage[NEW] SCORCHED EARTH RATIO :: 0.1 total attack damage per tickDRAGON FORM BASE IMPACT DAMAGE :: 100-200 (at levels 1-18) >>> 100-160 (at levels 1-18)"


    Everyone’s favorite chemist got some visual updates to how his Q – Poison Trail looks for gamers that are colorblind. Statistically wise, Singed’s R – Insanity Potion now procs instantly, as originally intended.

    "Q – Poison Trail[NEW] CLARITY :: Poison Trail’s opacity has been adjusted for colorblind mode and various skins. Riot Singed’s Poison Trail visuals now properly change color when colorblind mode is activated.R – Insanity Potion[NEW] CHUG CHUG CHUG :: Singed now correctly receives stats instantly, as opposed to sometimes having up to 0.25 seconds delay."


    Sivir gets a much-needed buff to the damage done by her Q – Boomerang Blade. It’ll make CS and early poking easier.

    "Q – Boomerang BladeBASE DAMAGE :: 25/45/65/85/105 >>> 55/75/95/115/135"

    Twisted Fate

    Nothing much done with Twisted Fate besides an increase in his overall movement speed. Keep an eye out if he roams out of the mid lane.

    "Base statsMOVEMENT SPEED :: 330 >>> 335"


    When it comes to late game opportunities, Xerath has been missing out due to his main abilities not packing enough punch. Developers buffed the slowness in his W – Eye of Destruction and buffed his ultimate R – Rite of the Arcane.

    "W – Eye of DestructionSLOW :: 10% >>> 25% (center zone slow unchanged at 60/65/70/75/80%)R – Rite of the ArcaneBASE DAMAGE :: 200/230/260 >>> 200/240/280 reminder: Xerath gets more charges per level)"


    Unfortunately for all you mains out there that enjoyed everything Zac brought to the table, he was a bit too powerful in the Summoner’s Rift. Developers nerfed his W – Unstable Matter and also balanced things out with his Q – Stretching Strikes.

    "Q – Stretching StrikesCOST :: 4% >>> 8% current healthCOOLDOWN :: 12/11/10/9/8 seconds >>> 13/12/11/10/9 secondsW – Unstable MatterDAMAGE :: 30/45/60/75/90 >>> 15/30/45/60/75"

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    The Hexplosives Expert gets a reduction in cooldown for W – Satchel Charge which should open up more opportunities to unleash bombs, bombs, and more bombs to the opposition.

    "W – Satchel ChargeCOOLDOWN :: 26/24/22/20/18 seconds >>> 24/21/18/15/12 seconds"