Would it make sense in League of Legends to make epic monsters spawn randomly in the Summoner’s Rift? Here are some honest thoughts on it as it might make sense in the grand scheme of things.
When it comes to League of Legends, matches are decided by teamwork, execution, vision, and communication. At the end of the day, being able to work together in order to take down objectives will often time make your team land on the winning side of a match but it also comes down to how epic monsters are defeated to push your way to victory.
There are various epic monsters in League of Legends that can be used for or against you depending on how things go down. The Rift Herald can be used to take down a tower rather quickly. All the different dragons in the game can give you a permanent buff to movement speed, damage, gaining experience, and mana/healing regeneration for killing them. There is even the elder dragon which will enhance all buffs that you’ve earned so far in a match.
Then, of course, the most popular epic monster in the game, Baron Nashor, gives such a buff to overall damage and minions next to each champion, it tends to be the final nail in the coffin when steamrolling your way to the enemy base to end a match.
The spots are the same as to where each epic monster is, which presents a great question that was originated on Reddit. The League of Legends Reddit has a plethora of topics and questions that are truly a blast to be a part of thanks to the many discussion threads around everything and anything about the game.
This particular topic was spawned by user Sh1ner who asked the question if a map change featuring the Drakes, Rift Herald, and Baron being able to spawn randomly at either pit would actually work. Take a look at his post below:
"Map change suggestion: Drake / Rift Herald / Baron should be able to spawn at either pit. from leagueoflegends"
Quite honestly, it’s not a bad idea at all. Not only would it bring a certain level of randomness to each and every match, it brings a whole new dimension to vision, junglers, and taking a big risk in determining which pit to attempt clearing first. The possibilities are endless considering that buffs have such a huge impact in the game, it could result in even more competitive matches.
While it might not make sense for this mode to be the new permanent way in the Summoner’s Rift right off the bat, developers might want to consider this great idea and turn it into a rotating game mode at first. Similar to other rotating game modes, it would be interesting to have it available for limited periods of time to see how players handle the randomness and give feedback.
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It’s a great concept that would change everything we know about the game. ADC/support mains would have to rotate between the top and bottom lanes depending on where the Baron would randomly spawn as early game advantages for being on the red or blue side to start a match would be out the window.
It might cause problems in competitive play since again, countless hours and preparation go into each side due to the assigned areas of epic monsters. Making it random would not only increase the skill of players but in the grand scheme of things, would bring even more variety to how matches progress through random spawnings and when junglers should call out to initiate taking down an epic monster once it’s discovered at random. Warding will be even more crucial just for this aspect in addition to knowing where your enemies are at.
Overall, it has its pros and cons no matter how one looks at it but would honestly bring such a new dynamic to the game, it might very well be worth considering by developers for at least a game mode to see what the community says. What are your thoughts on it? Please leave your comments below if you’re for or against the idea of making epic monsters spawn randomly in the Summoner’s Rift!