Urgot, the Dreadnought, has a very low win rate at this point in time. It’s not due to any issues with his kit, but rather, the unfamiliarity of those playing as him.
Having problems with the newly reworked Urgot, the Dreadnought? You’re not alone as plenty of Summoners are having issues with making him into the juggernaut that he’s supposed to be. Primarily a top lane and jungle champion, Urgot isn’t looking good these days and believe it or not, it actually doesn’t have anything to do with his kit.
As per Champion.GG, Urgot currently has a 47.47 percent win rate in the top lane and 42.60 percent in the jungle. This is mainly due to the unfamiliarity of Summoners getting used to his kit since, by the looks of it, it does take a good amount of time and practice to master it for winning results.
Before actually facing real competition, use the practice tool or even go up against the A.I. with other Summoners to really put time into practicing his kit to understand everything he brings to the table. Speaking of which, here’s a quick breakdown of his kit and for the most part, what makes him tick. Also, when it comes to items, focus heavily on Attack Damage as that will turn Urgot into a killing machine and before you know it, you’ll do your part in boosting his overall win percentage.
Urgot’s Passive – Echoing Flames, is the ability that can get somewhat frustrating to pull off but it basically uses his shotgun knees and deals damage. This ability can surprise enemies since it does pack a punch in the mid to late game of matches after building up items and leveling up.
His Q – Corrosive Charge is basically a poke kind of ability that can slow enemies and do slight damage as well. Urgot’s W – Purge gives him a shield and locks onto any targets that have been hit with any of his abilities.
This works extremely well against enemy champions, especially after slowing them down and trying to eat away at their health as quickly as possible. This ability allows him to move over minions and non-epic monsters as he blasts away at opponents.
When using this ability, an area of confusion is how most Summoners tend to simply chase after enemy champions in a straight line when it makes more strategic sense to go around them in a circle. This allows your shotgun knees via Urgot’s passive to do solid damage and bring a nice intimidating factor when engaging enemies.
If you’ve ever played Singed, the Mad Chemist, his E – Fling is very similar to Urgot’s E – Disdain. This ability will charge at an enemy champion, hurl them behind Urgot, and stun them as well. This ability works well to surprise enemies before you hit them with your shotgun knees, which again, sets things up nicely when going all-in for the kill.
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Finally, and the coolest ability of them all, Urgot’s ultimate, R – Fear Beyond Death, is truly amazing. This is pretty much an execute kind of ultimate, provided when you launch the chem-drill at first, it’ll do enough damage to put an enemy champion at or below 25 percent health.
You can then recast it and reel an enemy champion in for their death, which makes them untargetable and pretty much, unsavable. On top of that, the execution also makes enemies around him flee in fear for a few seconds. Timing is everything when it comes to Urgot’s ultimate so again, pick your enemies out wisely, especially in a team fight if you want to get a quick kill.
Overall, practice makes perfect. Give yourself at least 20 matches or so of just pure practicing with Urgot to get an idea of how to use him in key situations before you start playing against real competition. His low win rate is more than likely the result of Summoners going into live matches without putting the time in to not only memorize his kit but also see how to use him since he comes down to being a situational champion in the grand scheme of things.