Breaking down all bugfixes in patch 7.16

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Patch update 7.16 is now live in League of Legends. Besides updates to champions and changes made for Worlds 2017, here are all the bugfixes that were finally addressed.

With patch update 7.16 now live, Summoners are undoubtedly enjoying the new Arcade Boss World Event that showcases new villain skins for Brand, Ziggs, and Malzahar. Besides changes to champions and especially mid lane options played by Esports players for Worlds 2017, developers of League of Legends also fixed a plethora of bugs in the game.

Right off the bat, most bugfixes addressed SFX issues and how certain abilities on champions looked visually. Besides that, a huge glitch was also fixed when it comes to the Rift Herald.

Before the bugfix, the Rift Herald would glitch out and hit two turrets simultaneously if dropped in the mid lane. Luckily, developers fixed this in patch update 7.16 so it won’t happen anymore. Another big patch update hit Tahm Kench, the River King.

More from Patch Updates

For those of you that main him, his visuals got fixed so he’ll properly hold his fork and knife in the Summoner’s Rift. There are no more glitches with this so all is well for the popular support and top lane champion.

Courtesy of the Media Relations Department of League of Legends, here are all the bugfixes in this latest patch update:

"Fixed a bug where Twitch’s R – Spray and Pray dealt two instances of damage to inhibitors and the Nexus if he attacked from slightly outside his normal basic attack range"

"The damaging effects of Corrupting Potion, Deathfire Touch, Red Buff, and Challenging Smite now properly count as damage-over-time effects (see Kayn’s note above for why this matters)"

"Fixed a bug where Rift Herald would hit both Nexus turrets simultaneously if spawned on the mid-lane"

"Fixed a bug where Irelia casting Q – Blade Surge on the other side of a wall would cause damage but not bring Irelia over the wall."

"Heimerdinger’s UPGRADE!!!’d Q – H-28Q Apex Turret’s beam attack no longer breaks for the rest of its duration if its target walks out of range during the beam attack’s wind-up"

"Nautilus now properly stops if he collides with player-created terrain (ex. Anivia’s W – Crystallize) created in his path while pulling himself to Q – Dredge Line’s anchor"

"Snow Day Singed’s Q – Poison Trail VFX have been adjusted to be more opaque"

"Omega Squad Tristana’s SFX have been restored during her dance and death animations"

"Omega Squad Teemo’s chromas now have proper mushroom VFX during the toss and bounce animation of R – Noxious Trap"

"The hand trail VFX during Omega Squad Teemo’s chroma’s Q – Blinding Dart has been restored"

"Poro Rider Sejuani’s baby poro once again runs over to Bristle during Sejuani’s death. *cue sad music*"

"Nightbringer Yasuo no longer faces the wrong direction during his channel animation"

"Vintage load screen border for Pumpkinhead Fiddlesticks has been restored"

"The “Power Up” summoner icon is now centered properly in game lobbies and player profiles"

"Arcade Corki’s E – Gatling Gun visuals no longer shoot sideways when under the effect of Lulu’s W – Whimsy"

"Master Chef Tahm Kench once again holds his knife and fork properly during all animations, like a true southern gentleman"

"Honor level-up notifications will no longer pop in matchmaking, champ select, or the Honor ceremony because that was a tilter"

Must Read: Mid lane Worlds balance featured in patch 7.16

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