How to get the Neo PAX Sivir skin

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The Neo PAX Sivir skin is pretty amazing and incredibly rare in League of Legends. Here’s how to get one during a limited time event.

Sivir is and always will be one of the top ADC champions in League of Legends and for good measure. She’s quick when unleashing damage and can escape even the strongest of champions. Her patented E – Spell Shield which if timed correctly, can block a single enemy ability and get mana back.

Besides that, her various skins are cool, especially the rare Neo PAX Sivir skin. Before, it could only be obtained if you attended a special PAX event back in 2011. Soon, however, Summoners will be able to craft one directly in League of Legends.

In an article written by Tanner Dedmon of, he confirmed that for a limited time only, this skin can be crafted through 10 gemstones. That’s right, on Thurs, Aug 31, 2017, until Mon, Jan 8, 2018, Neo PAX Sivir will be a loot-exclusive skin that is craftable.

In case you’re wondering why developers are making this rare skin craftable for so long, keep in mind that after this time frame, this Neo PAX Sivir skin will never be available again. It won’t be at future PAX events or available in League of Legends once it’s over.

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This epic skin may also be found in Loot chests but it might be easier to simply save your gemstones to craft it yourself. This skin will also be obtainable in the new Epic Capsules that will hit League of Legends in the early fall.

Either way, this is a skin that is worth adding to your collection. Even if you don’t main Sivir but have her, the Neo PAX skin would be something that you can brag about to friends for years to come.

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