Breaking down all changes to champions in patch 7.17

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Patch update 7.17 is live in League of Legends as here is a break down of all changes that hit champions.

League of Legends is set to have a pretty big patch update in 7.17. Out of all the changes, none are bigger than to the champions of the game. In the grand scheme of things, it’s all about balance as some champions, as usual, got nerfed, buffed, and even got changes to some of their passive abilities.

It’s important to remember that if any of your main champions in League of Legends got updated thanks to patch update 7.17, definitely give them some time in the practice tool or even in unranked matches before taking them to competitive ones.

Courtesy of the Media Relations Department of League of Legends, below you’ll find all the latest updates to champions.


Everyone’s favorite executioner gets a nerf to his Passive – League of Draven when it comes to earning base gold when getting glorious kills. Developers realized that he’s earning a little bit too much gold when he’s racking up kills in the ADC role so this makes sense in regards to balancing him.

"Passive – League of DravenADORATION STACKS LOST ON DEATH :: 50% >>> 75%BASE GOLD ON CHAMPION KILL :: 50 >>> 25"


As another top ADC champion, Ezreal gets a much-needed buff to his Q – Mystic Shot. The reason being is that he hasn’t been able to top the charts in dealing damage and being a force to reckon with given the potential of his kit. Giving Ezreal more attack damage with his most used ability should bring him back to the spotlight.

"Q – Mystic ShotRATIO :: 1.1 total attack damage >>> 1.25 total attack damage"


It’s been a while since Hecarim has been updated and this time around, he gets a solid buff to both E – Devastating Charge and R – Onslaught of Shadows. His changes now make him feel more like the undead rider he’s supposed to be as he charges into unsuspecting foes and hacks away at their souls.

"E – Devastating Charge[NEW] CAN’T STOP WON’T STOP :: Duration no longer ticks down during Onslaught of Shadow’s chargeR – Onslaught of ShadowsFEAR DURATION :: 1 second >>> 0.75 – 1.5 seconds (based on how far Hecarim traveled with his Spectral Riders)"


Developers have finally realized that there is a big reason why Leona has a low play rate. She’s a good support champion but doesn’t live up to being in the top tier of those that play the role. Now, buffs to both her Passive – Sunlight and Q – Shield of Daybreak make her more viable in team fights. Beware her sword and shield from this point moving forward.

"Passive – SunlightMARK DURATION :: 3.5 seconds >>> 1.5 secondsDAMAGE :: 20-105 (at levels 1-18) >>> 25-144 (at levels 1-18)Q – Shield of DaybreakCOOLDOWN :: 9/8/7/6/5 seconds >>> 6 seconds"

More from Patch Updates


Sorry to those of you that main Maokai as he no longer generates a Magical Sap that procs from his Passive – Sap Magic when attacking a ward.

"Passive – Sap MagicWARDS AREN’T PEOPLE :: Sap Magic no longer procs when Maokai attacks a ward"


The newly reworked Urgot hasn’t lived up to the hype generated or even early expectations when his complete change was announced. It’s a shame really since his new look is straight out of a horror movie but luckily, developers are giving him some pretty big buffs to his overall utility when certain abilities proc. Also, keep in mind, Urgot’s slowing ability via R – Fear Beyond Death will also affect enemies champions for just a second longer which again, should put him back in a better spot.

"W – PurgeSTAY FOCUSED :: Purge now refreshes the duration of the ‘locked on’ debuff, preventing cases where Urgot would switch targets partway through Purge’s durationE – DisdainQUICK RECOVERY :: If Urgot casts Disdain during Purge but fails to toss a champion, Purge will now resume firing for the remainder of its duration a bit earlier than before (lockout period reduced to ||| ~1.375 seconds >>> 1 second)R – Fear Beyond DeathSLOW DURATION & REACTIVATION WINDOW :: 3 seconds >>> 4 seconds"


The Master of Shadows gets some nice buffs in patch update 7.17. Summoners will notice he’s a bit faster in dealing damage thanks to an increase in his overall Attack Speed and the duration of his W – Living Shadow. He’ll be even harder to try and focus on since he’ll be acting more like a real ninja with having a bit more time to blend into the shadows.

"Base StatsBASE ATTACK SPEED :: 0.644 >>> 0.651W – Living ShadowSHADOW DURATION :: 4.5 seconds >>> 5 seconds"

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