New Eternum Cassiopeia skin looks amazing

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A new Eternum Cassiopeia skin has hit the Public Beta Environment in League of Legends and it looks amazing.

Cassiopeia, the Serpent’s Embrace, is one of the more popular mid lane champions in League of Legends. Her kit is fantastic since it’s all about poisoning enemies, slowing them down, and being a headache to opponents trying to go up against her alone.

She has many amazing skins but the new one being tested in the Public Beta Environment is completely amazing and should sit well with Summoners that main her. That’s right, a new Eternum Cassiopeia skin has been introduced and it brings a whole new look to the Medusa-inspired champion.

Take a look at Cassiopeia’s new skin below to see all the features:

The Eternum skins tend to cost anywhere between 1200 – 1900 Riot Points but as you can see, it’s very well worth it thanks to the new visual effects and animations all across the board. This is considered a Legendary skin and will be priced as such.

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Cassiopeia currently has a 50.23 percent win rate and to be quite honest, is a lot of fun to play as. She has great crowd control and her abilities make fighting against her tough since if properly leveled and geared, you’d be surprised how fast your health deteriorates.

Her kit focuses on damage over time abilities and even gives her some health back if her rotation is done properly. When leveling her up, go in this order when unlocking her kit: E – Twin Fang, Q – Noxious Blast, W – Miasma, R – Petrifying Gaze.

Overall, this new skin will be another fine addition to her lineup just make sure you don’t look directly into her eyes when admiring it.

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