Karthus, the Deathsinger, can easily be your most favorite mid lane champion to use in League of Legends. Here’s how to play and master everything he brings to the table.
Besides being the lead singer of the metal band Pentakill, Karthus, the Deathsinger, brings death to all every time he steps into a League of Legends match. The popular mid lane mage is all about adding more souls or in this case, kills to his infamous book.
When it comes to Karthus, keep in mind that he drains mana rather quickly so it’s important to use your skill shots wisely and not waste them on a minion unless it’s the right opportunity. At this point in time, Karthus currently has a 53.43 percent win rate as per Champion.GG.
Karthus is a popular pick at this point in time due to his effectiveness and ability to kill an entire team with his ultimate if working together with his team. Let’s take a deeper look at his kit, items to build, who counters him hard, and everything else you’ll need to succeed with him in the Summoner’s Rift.
When it comes to his kit, Karthus can unleash a delayed blast at a targeted location, create a wall that slows enemies that go through it while decreasing their Magic Resist, gain mana from kills while dealing damage around himself, and finally, an ultimate move that deals solid damage to every enemy champion on the map, no matter where they are.
Also, when Karthus is killed, his passive allows him to enter a spirit form and continue attacking for seven seconds before dying. Ideally, you want to activate your abilities to focus on leveling up Q – Lay Waste and E – Defile. Once you hit Level 6, definitely unlock R – Requiem and let your teammates know it’s available. That way, if a team fight breaks out and enemies are fleeing for their lives, you can pop your ultimate and enjoy the kills and/or assists. Don’t get W – Wall of Pain until Level 8.
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For Karthus, make sure to stack items that add more Ability Power, Mana, and Health. Ideally, focus on this item build order: Morellonomicon, Sorcerer’s Shoes, Liandry’s Torment, Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, Void Staff, and Luden’s Echo.
When it comes to champions that counter Karthus hard, make sure to ban champions like Orianna, Twisted Fate, and Lucian. Trust me when I say, they’ll bring you more headaches than you can imagine if you go up against them as Karthus.
The name of the game is focusing on Ability Power and Magic Penetration for Karthus. For the best results, equip the following runes: Greater Mark of Magic Penetration (9), Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist (9), Greater Seal of Scaling Health (9), and Greater Quintessence of Ability Power (3).
Make sure to focus on early farming and only use Q – Lay Waste if you have maxed out mana and are able to kill several minions at once with it. Don’t spam this ability as you’ll see how quickly Karthus can run out of mana early on in a match. Use your E – Defile sparingly and only when again, clearing out several minions at once. It’s important to unlock it at Level 2 due to its passive of giving you mana back for every kill whether it’s a minion or enemy champion if you’re lucky to kill one early on in a match for first blood.
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If you focus on leveling up and gearing Karthus, he’s easily a game changing champion thanks to his ability to dish out some serious damage later on in a match. Communication is key with his ultimate R – Requiem since it’s easy to use it to either help out in a team fight no matter where you are on the map or even finish off one or several enemies in one fell swoop. Again, let your teammates know when it’s available the moment it is and only use it in ideal situations to push a lane or go for the win.