A look at the new Worlds 2017 Baron skin

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Property of LeagueOfLegends.com/RiotGames.com

Worlds 2017 promises to be a glorious League of Legends event and yes, the infamous Baron will have an exclusive skin coming soon for the tournament.

Whether you’ve got a successful kill or had your entire team deleted when trying to go after it by the enemy team, Baron will always be a key objective in League of Legends. It can either push your team to finally end a match or be the saving grace from losing or at the very least, delay the enemy team from making a serious push.

Heading into the Worlds 2017 tournament, developers have confirmed that Baron will get an exclusive new skin for the event. So now, whenever you and your teammates go in for a kill once it’s released, you can enjoy all the new visuals and special effects.

Take a look below at this amazing new Worlds 2017 Baron skin:

Oh yes, I know I for one can’t wait to take down this version of Baron. As for when it’ll finally be available, it’s still currently being tested in the Public Beta Environment and will more than likely be released right around the Worlds 2017 tournament.

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Until then, these next few patch updates will add some great new skins, emotes, icons, and so much more for the Worlds 2017 event. It remains to be seen what else developers of League of Legends have in store but this year’s tournament will be the biggest yet.

Remember, regardless if you’re winning or losing a match, securing a Baron kill is always a game-changing move. Ideally, you want to attempt killing Baron after several members of the enemy team have been killed. Speed is of the essence as once Baron is up and your team killed the majority of or even the entire team, everyone should rush to get the biggest objective in League of Legends.

It’s a team effort as you want to make sure to communicate to everyone that the Baron is next. Ward everywhere around Baron and especially in bushes. Ping the map, let your tank start it, and quickly go to work before you get unexpected visitors.