Breaking down patch 7.18 buffs to Fiora

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Patch update 7.18 is live as Fiora got some much-needed buffs to her kit. Keep an eye out now when facing her in the top lane of League of Legends.

Now that patch update 7.18 has been out for a bit now, developers have addressed a plethora of issues. Besides changes to champions and items, lots of bugfixes have also been added. When it comes to Fiora, the Grand Duelist, she finally got some nice buffs.

Developers have increased the movement speed of her Passive – Duelist’s Dance so now she can poke enemy champions and exit an engagement even faster now. It’s important to remember that when facing her now, her mobility is an even bigger factor when trying to keep up with her. Don’t venture after her to chase her down since you’ll find yourself on the receiving end of some serious damage.

Due to the fact that Fiora has fallen off a bit in not just popularity but also in her viability in the top lane, it was the perfect time to buff her so she can go back to being a force to reckon with. Besides the buff to her passive ability, her ultimate has been reverted back to what it used to be a few patches ago.

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Fiora’s ultimate, R – Grand Challenge, now once again enables her to gain the movement speed bonus from her passive as she’s inside the circle. This will once again be a game-changing ultimate that should be quite the difference maker in team fights.

From the solid damage Fiora’s ultimate does to the healing it gives back to her and teammates if you get a kill, she should now see a nice resurgence in the Summoner’s Rift.

As per the Media Relations Department of League of Legends, here are the official changes that hit Fiora:

"Passive – Duelist’s DanceBONUS MOVEMENT SPEED :: 15/25/35/45% >>> 20/30/40/50%R – Grand Challenge[NEW?] RE-ADDED :: Fiora once again gains Duelist’s Dance movement speed bonus while in Grand Challenge’s circle"

Overall, developers have said they will be monitoring Fiora to see if this brings her back to a better spot. Could more buffs and changes be headed her way? It’s possible but one thing is for sure, she should undoubtedly surprise enemies who believe she’s still easy to face in the top lane.