Breaking down patch changes to Gargoyle Stoneplate

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Patch update 7.18 in League of Legends is live and brought lots of changes to champions and items. Gargoyle Stoneplate was heavily changed due to balancing issues.

For all you tanks out there in League of Legends, Gargoyle Stoneplate is a popular item that helps you do what you do best. Developers noticed that the popular tanking item did have some issues when used by certain champions as well as how it could be overpowered when combined with Enchantment: Cinderhulk.

Patch update 7.18 addressed those issues and much more as it should now correctly proc the bonus health as developers originally intended. The key difference is now, instead of getting bonus health, Summoners will get partial base health.

The total health that’s able to be granted will still be the same (bonus health equal to 40 percent or 100 percent) but the biggest change is how it scaled with abilities that also got additional health. So for all you Cho’Gath mains out there, his ultimate, R – Feast, won’t make him an unstoppable monster with his permanent health gain and when Gargoyle Stoneplate procced.

Developers also changed how the combination of Gargoyle Stoneplate and Enchantment: Cinderhulk gave Summoners a double-dip health proc, which caused opposing champions to freak out as to what exactly was going on.

That’s right, it was a bug that enabled both items to respectively proc their health benefits and completely be an unbalanced matchup. Tanky junglers out there undoubtedly saw what was going on as developers found a lot of people using this bug to their advantage. Needless to say, it’s been fixed.

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Courtesy of the Media Relations Department of League of Legends, here are the official changes that hit Gargoyle Stoneplate:

"RESPECT THE RATIO :: Grants bonus health equal to 40% (or 100%) of base and bonus health >>> Grants base health equal to 40% (or 100%) base health and bonus health equal to 40% (or 100%) bonus healthADDITION, NOT MULTIPLICATION :: Gargoyle Stoneplate’s active no longer scales with Stoneborn Pact or Nunu’s Q – Consume Well Fed buffBUGFIX :: (Re-)fixed a bugged interaction between Cinderhulk and Gargoyle Stoneplate’s active which caused the combination to grant more bonus health than intended"

As always, things like this will happen in League of Legends but developers work swiftly to bring balance back to the game. It’s all about fair competitive gameplay and well, it’s finally been corrected to avoid those situations where opposing enemies were stuck between and rock and a hard place when realizing some outrageous health benefits in the Summoner’s Rift.