Breaking down patch 7.18 buffs to Ivern

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Ivern, the Green Father, got some much-needed buffs to one of his main abilities in League of Legends.

When it comes to Ivern, the Green Father, he hasn’t really been in a good place in League of Legends since a few patch updates ago, he was nerfed. The area that was directly addressed came from the damage output of his E – Triggerseed ability.

This ability places a shield on an ally and explodes after a short time, slowing and damaging enemy champions. It’s a great ability when trying to go in for a gank, chasing low-health enemy champions, and doing your part in a team fight.

The problem is, it simply didn’t pack enough of a punch to be viable in those aforementioned situations. Luckily, developers realized it was time to give him back some power to make him continue to shine in his jungling role.

As per the Media Relations Department of League of Legends, here are the buffs that have come to Ivern as of patch update 7.18:

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"E – TriggerseedBASE EXPLOSION DAMAGE :: 50/70/90/110/130 >>> 60/80/100/120/140EXPLOSION RATIO :: 0.7 ability power >>> 0.8 ability power"

In the grand scheme of things, increasing the base damage and ratio to Ivern’s E – Triggerseed should put him back in a better place in the Summoner’s Rift. The truth be told, he can be an incredible jungler thanks to everything he brings to the table.

Ivern’s kit can root, slow, damage, and even create a brush for himself and teammates to add even more strategy when playing. Buffing his E- Triggerseed will enable him to be more impactful in team fights and well, be a difference maker in the late game of a match.

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Overall, it’s great to see developers noticing how with certain champions, one can make mistakes nerfing them which directly affects their play rate as well as effectiveness in League of Legends. As they continue to balance the game, Ivern is one of the latest champions to directly benefit from being balanced the right way to once again be one of the top junglers in the game.