Breaking down patch changes to Spellthief’s Edge

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Spellthief’s Edge, the popular starting item of support champions in League of Legends, saw many changes thanks to patch update 7.18. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect.

When it comes to the support role in League of Legends, it’s all about equipping the right items to be the best partner you can to your ADC. The majority of those that play the support role will start out with the popular Spellthief’s Edge item.

Developers noticed that Spellthief’s Edge simply wasn’t giving support champions the right stats to do their part in winning a match. The truth be told, it takes a lot for Summoners to even want to play support since it’s not as appealing or exciting as other roles.

It’s not easy playing support since, in essence, your main role is to put your ADC in a position to succeed, at the expense of your own K/D/A and even life. Developers have made sure that at least with Spellthief’s Edge equipped, one can at least do their part to poke enemy champions and make their presence felt.

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As per the Media Relations Department of League of Legends, here are all the changes that have come to Spellthief’s Edge as of patch update 7.18:

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"Tribute passiveLAST-HIT PENALTY :: After last-hitting a minion, Tribute charge generation is paused for ||| 6 seconds >>> 8 secondsFrostfang[NEW] COOLDOWN REDUCTION :: 10%Frost Queen’s ClaimBUILD PATH :: Frostfang + Fiendish Codex + 450 gold >>> Frostfang + Blasting Wand + 500 gold (total cost unchanged)"

In the grand scheme of things, it made sense to give support champions more of a cooldown reduction to continue having them be in a position to contribute more in a match. While they added just two more seconds to the charging of the Tribute passive, it now balances everything out to focus on what support champions need to accomplish. As always, it’s not about farming at all but rather, taking down towers while hitting and poking enemy champions.

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With this item equipped, it’s all about pushing the bottom lane, taking down towers, and of course, making sure to take advantage of opportune situations to get kills and earn a little bit extra gold when doing so. Whether it’s by catching enemy champions off-guard or a well-timed gank by your jungler, equipping Spellthief’s Edge should now be an even greater help when going after objectives in League of Legends.