Full list of patch 7.19 bugfixes in League

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Besides changes to champions and items, patch update 7.19 brought many bugfixes to League of Legends.

When it comes to League of Legends, the game continues to make all the right changes to enhance the overall gameplay. From balancing issues, buffs, nerfs, and ensuring fair, competitive matches, developers work endlessly to address bugfixes every big patch.

This time around, they made more changes that affected several visual and voiceover effects for various champions under certain skins. Issues like Syndra’s Star Guardian skin not having the proper color overlay as she recalled to the helicopter shadows of Omega Squad Teemo and Tristana not properly showing when they’d recall have finally been fixed.

That humming glitch involving Ivern when he wore his Candy King skin have also been fixed. His voiceover lines are now corrected so it won’t be an issue as he roams the jungle. Aside from these, lots of graphical issues have been corrected to ensure a smooth experience for various champions and specific skins.

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Courtesy of the Media Relations Department of League of Legends, here is a full list of all the bugfixes addressed in patch update 7.19:

"Fixed a bug where casting Face of the Mountain’s active on an ally out of range caused the player to walk in range, then cast it on the closest ally instead of the selected one."

"Twitch’s Q – Ambush visual effects no longer stay visible indefinitely if Tahm Kench uses W – Devour on Twitch as he enters stealth."

"Ahri’s E – Charm now correctly affects bots on Twisted Treeline"

"Jarvan IV’s weapon no longer appears beside him when he uses his E – Demacian Standard Q – Dragon Strike combo"

"Rumble can now correctly cast his E – Electro Harpoon if overheated."

"Aurelion Sol E – Comet of Legend no longer goes on cooldown if his Banshee’s Veil is broken during flight."

"Star Guardian Syndra’s pink overlay has been restored during her recall animation."

"Omega Squad Twitch and Omega Squad Tristana once again have their helicopter shadows during their recall animations."

"Dragon Fist Lee Sin no longer loses Gargoyle Stoneplate’s"

"active overlay VFX when (R) – Dragon’s Rage is in use."

"God Fist Lee Sin’s death shadow no longer persists."

"Snow Day Ziggs passive VFX have been restored."

"Malzahar’s Void Swarm W – Voidlings are no longer missing attack on-hit VFX."

"River Spirit Nami no longer has misplaced VFX on her staff."

"Placeholder VFX are no longer present on the New Horizon Ward."

"High Noon Jhin’s model no longer stretches when shooting during R – Curtain Call."

"Shields on Blood Moon Jhin now follow the model during his recall animation."

"Riot Kayle’s drone lights no longer disappear upon moving the camera away and back during her recall animation."

"During Riven’s joke animation, her fingers no longer clip through her sword."

"Battlecast Cho’Gath’s W – Feral Scream is now of higher fidelity on very low settings."

"Pulsefire Ezreal’shomeguard animation has been restored."

"Bad Santa Veigar no longer has visible seams on very low settings."

"Corporate Mundo’s impact VFX have been restored when W – Infected Cleaver successfully hits an enemy target."

"Definitely Not Vel’Koz’s tentacles no longer abruptly transition during animations."

"Hired Gun Graves no longer has an empty gap on his gun – VFX have been restored."

"Snow Day Singed’s Q – Poison Trail is now more gameplay friendly, regardless of if Colorblind Mode is activated or not."

"Candy King Ivern no longer hums over all of his VO lines."

"Dark Star Varus’ blue tendrils no longer flicker during several graphics settings."

"We fixed a grammar error in the copy when more than one key fragment drops"

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