Breaking down patch changes to Bramble Vest

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Bramble Vest got some interesting changes to those tanky champions that equip it in League of Legends. Here’s a breakdown of all the changes due to patch update 7.19.

For those Summoners out there in League of Legends that enjoy playing tanky champions, you’ve undoubtedly noticed the changes to the popular Bramble Vest item. If you’ve never played a top lane character, Bramble Vest was an inexpensive item that gave tanks a bit of an early offensive advantage since it applied Grievous Wounds to enemies while also reflecting damage.

Basically, any time an enemy champion or even a minion/monster hit you, they would get hit with a debuff that would reduce all healing by 40 percent as well as reflect 20 magic damage right back at them. Needless to say, it helped tremendously against enemy champions whose kit or even items made them lifestealing/auto-healing annoyances.

Developers noticed that Bramble Vest was a bit overpowered due to these core abilities as it helped big time when it came to farming. It’s easier and even faster to clear waves of minions since once they hit you, they were hit back with damage as one would plow through them easily.

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Thanks to patch update 7.19, the cost of Bramble Vest has been increased to 1000 gold and the damage reflected has been nerfed. It will now reflect only 15 magic damage when an enemy champion attacks you.

As per the Media Relations Department of League of Legends, here are all the official changes to Bramble Vest:

"TOTAL COST :: 900 gold >>> 1000 goldCOMBINE COST :: 300 gold >>> 400 goldDAMAGE REFLECTED :: 20 >>> 15BUGFIX :: No longer applies Grievous Wounds to non-Champions"

In the grand scheme of things, this balance will ensure that it’s still an effective item but won’t be such a strong early lane phase advantage. Either way, it’s good since it continues to bring fair, competitive gameplay in League of Legends.

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What are your thoughts on these changes to Bramble Vest? We’d love to hear your thoughts, so please, leave your comments below, especially for all you top lane mains out there!