Worlds 2017: Samsung Galaxy teaches valuable lesson in final win

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Samsung Galaxy are the Worlds 2017 champions after sweeping SK Telecom T1 3-0 and in doing so, taught a valuable lesson in League of Legends.

No one could truly predict what transpired but Samsung Galaxy pulled one of the greatest upsets in Worlds history. They swept SK Telecom T1 3-0 and in doing so, taught a valuable lesson when it comes to League of Legends.

When it comes to competitive gaming, especially in League of Legends and multiplayer online battle arena games in general, it’s always about objectives, not kills. Too many times, teams are focused on their kill-death ratio and forget what the true purpose of the match is.

It’s great when someone on your team goes 10-0-2 but if they’re not farming, taking down towers, going after the Rift Herald, Baron, or dragon, you will more than likely lose a match. Emphasis should always be about focusing on objectives since, at the end of the day, that is what ultimately wins matches.

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SSG proved that it’s a mindset that works, even when everyone writes your team off to beat the dynasty known as SKT T1. They’ve won the past two straight Worlds championships and many expected them to make it four.

It goes to show that even when things aren’t looking good, objectives over kills will get the job done. It’s a great lesson that SSG showed professional Esports players and even regular Summoners around the globe that if you stick to this strategy, it works.

I know for me personally, it’s a mindset I’ve been sticking with ever since I first got into League of Legends so many years ago. Almost always, my teammates are always chasing after enemy champions when we’re inside their base about to win but not me. I’m hacking away at towers, minions, and inhibitors. I could care less what my K/D/A is as long as we leave the match victorious.

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It’s great to see SSG took that mentality and won a Worlds championship because of executing it flawlessly. Here’s to hoping others, especially regular gamers in League of Legends, truly understand that principle of objectives over kills.