League of Legends: Morgana skins tier list

Riot Games.
Morgana rework. League of Legends.

With the new League of Legends patch dropping soon and the reworked Morgana set to be released in just over a week, we take a look at which Morgana skins are best.

When League of Legends drops Patch 9.5 in a week’s time, Morgana will be getting an update, as will her skins. This is a huge boon for the Fallen Angel since her model is starting to show its age, but it also means that her previously-ugly skins are gaining some much-needed appeal. Which Morgana skins are best after the rework?

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8. Exiled Morgana

Exiled Morgana was always pretty low-tier, and the rework only hurt its chances of rising up. The red-and-gold color scheme clashes way too much with the purple particle effects, and the new splash art honestly doesn’t do the skin any favors. It’s cheap, but so not worth it.

7. Sinful Succulence Morgana

Sinful Succulence Morgana. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.

Joke skins can be good, but Sinful Succulence isn’t really one of them. Once you’re over the initial premise of Morgana as a (pretty awful) baker, the skin may as well just be default Morgana. Boooo-ring.

6. Bewitching Morgana

Bewitching Morgana. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.

It’s got a great splash art and some altered particle effects, but Bewitching Morgana is still pretty low-tier. Adding small splashes of orange to her already-purple effects just makes it look cheap, though I will admit that the model is nice.

5. Blade Mistress Morgana

The splash art for Blade Mistress Morgana is simply incredible following the rework, and the in-game model follows closely on its heels. Sure, it doesn’t have unique particles, but when you look this good, who needs them?

4. Ghost Bride Morgana

Ghost Bride Morgana. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.

I’m not a big fan of the dress, nor of the splash art, but I can admit that Ghost Bride is a pretty good skin. The dark-blue particles, plus the moaning and wailing on the recall animation, sets Ghost Bride Morgana apart from the rest of the Morgana skins and lets it squeak into the top four.

3. Victorious Morgana

Victorious Morgana. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.

Season 4’s victorious skin is looking pretty darn good on Morgana. The dark blue and gold color scheme, in addition to the fancy particles on the activation of Soul Shackles, places Victorious Morgana quite high on the tier list. The specialness of the skin also can’t be overlooked – unless you placed Gold in Season 4, you can’t get this one anymore, making it rare and definitely one of Morgana’s best looks.

2. Lunar Wraith Morgana

Lunar Wraith Morgana. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.

This skin used to look pretty gnarly, but the rework has done it wonders. The lumpy model of yesterday is gone, replaced with a sleeker dress and a much better shade of jade green for her wings. Add to that some unique particle effects, and Lunar Wraith gets pretty close to the top of the table – but not quite all the way on top.

1. Blackthorn Morgana

Blackthorn Morgana. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.

Blackthorn Morgana is undoubtedly the best of the Morgana skins. It’s thorn-centric particle effects stand head and shoulders over the rest of her skins, especially on her ultimate, and the skin has added value by making it clearer as to which spell Morgana is casting. Add to that a killer shared splash with Viridian Kayle and a great model, and you have a recipe for an excellent alternative outfit.

Which Morgana skin is your favorite to adorn the Fallen Angel with? Let us know in the comments below!